
369 entries « 2 of 8 »



Daniel González-Fernández; Jorge Monzón; Elena Pascual; Íñigo de Loyola; Pablo Gila; Pablo Álvarez; Víctor M. González; David Mateos

Efecto Schlieren: visualización de pequeños cambios en el índice de refracción Conference

XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica (RNO) Madrid, Spain (Online), 2021.



S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Toledano; R. González; J. C. Antuña-Sanchez; V. E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Empleo de técnicas de medida láser y fotométricas para la identificación de aerosoles atmosféricos en el Círculo polar Ártico Conference

XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica (RNO) Madrid, Spain (Online), 2021.



A.E. Bedoya-Velásquez; S. Lefebvre; M. Herreras-Giralda; R. Román; C. Toledano; T.Huet; R.Ceolato

Inverse methods for retrieving aerosol products from ceilometers Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



E. Bazo; M.J. Granados-Muñoz; J.A. Bravo-Aranda; R. Román

Statistical analysis of the atmospheric aerosol radiative properties over a year in Granada Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



A. Bereinkua; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; A. Cazorla; R. Román; R. González; D. Bermejo-Pantaleón; S.D. Aguirre-García; S. Aranda; P. Cariñanos; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; J. Abril-Gago; L. Alados-Arboledas; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado

First characterization of aerosol profiles retrieved from ceilometer and sun-photometer by the GRASP algorithm at the rural Guadiana-UGR station Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



R. Román; R. González; A. Cazorla; M. Herreras-Giralda; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; C. Toledano

CAECENET: Columnar and vertically-resolved aerosol products in near-real-time joining sun/sky photometer and ceilometer measurement networks Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



R. Román; R. González; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; A. Barreto; P. Martín; C. Toledano; R. Ramos; A. Cazorla; S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; O. García; D. González-Fernández; R. Carracedo; M. Herreras-Giralda; V. Carreño; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; E. Cuevas; A. M. de Frutos

Vertical profiles of aerosol properties retrieved at La Palma, Canary Islands, during the CUmbre-Vieja volcano eruption in September-October 2021 Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Toledano; R. González; V. E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Identification and tracking of a desert dust plume detected at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.



Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Mann, G. W.; Barnes, J.; Rodríguez Vega, A.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Keckhut, P.; Nardi, B.; Thomason, L. W.

SSiRC stratospheric aerosols lidar data rescue Conference

Virtual Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role on Climate (SSiRC) Online, 2021.



A. Barreto; R. Román; M. Sicard; V. Rizi; R. Roininen; P. M. Romero-Campos; Y. González; S. Rodríguez; R. D. García; C. Torres; M. Iarlori; O. E. García; E. Cuevas; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; J. de la Rosa; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; C. Muñoz-Porcar; A. Comerón; A. Bedoya-Velásquez; J.C. Antuña-Sanchez; V. Neustroev; E. Pietropaolo; Y. Lopez-Darias; J. J. Bustos; O. Álvarez; C. Toledano; C. Aramo; R. González; F.A. Almansa; R. Ceolato; N. Prats; A. Redondas; C. Bayo; R. Ramos; S. L. León; P. Martín

Characterization of volcanic aerosols from a synergetic perspective during Cumbre Vieja (La Palma) eruption Conference

ACTRIS Week 2021 Online, 2021.



Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Estevan, R.; Landulfo, E.; Rodríguez-Vega, A.; Antuña-Sanchez, J. C

Extending LALINET observations to the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS): A challenge in the post-COVID-19 era Conference

XI Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America Online, 2021.



A. Bereinkua; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; A. Cazorla; R. Román; R. González; D. Bermejo-Pantaleón; S. D. Aguirre-García; S. Aranda; P. Cariñanos; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; L. Alados-Arboledas; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado

Intense Saharan Dust Event Over the Southern Iberian Peninsula in Spring 2021 study using GRASP Algorithm Conference

XI Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMÑLA XI) Punta Arenas, Chile, 2021.



Guerrero-Rascado, J.L.; Bereinkua, A.; Bermejo-Pantaléon, D.; Román, R.; González, R.; Cazorla, A.; Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Lyamani, H.; Aguirre-García, S. D.; Aranda, S.; Abril-Gago, J.; Granados-Muñoz, M. J.; Bravo-Aranda, J. A.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Cariñanos, P

First characterization of the pollen vertical profiles at an olive crop by remote sensing techniques Conference

Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems Conference Paphos, Cyprus, 2021.



C Peris-Ferrús; J L Gómez-Amo; P C Valdelomar; F Scarlatti; R Román; C Emde; M P Utrillas

Retrieval of cloud optical depth: synergies between whole sky imagers and radiative transfer modeling Conference

Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXVI (RS104) Madrid, Spain, 2021.



Barreto, A.; García, O. E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Aerosol properties by ground-based TCCON FTIR spectrometry Conference

TCCON/COCCON/NDACC Meeting 2021 Online, 2021.



Adolfo Comerón; Michaël Sicard; Marco Pandolfi; Roberto Román; ACTRIS-España

ACTRIS-España y sus actividades durante el confinamiento del COVID-19 en 2020 Conference

Congreso Nacional del Medioambiente (CONAMA2020) Granada, Spain, 2021.



Barreto, A.; García, O.E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent From Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Conference

Innovation in Atmospheric Sciences Virtual Workshop Online, 2021.



R. González; C. Toledano; R. Román Diez; D. Mateos; E. Asmi; E. Rodriguez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; S. Herrero-Anta; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Monitoring of long-range transported smoke in polar regions with remote sensing instruments Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX


S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; R. Román; R. González; C. Ritter; J.C. Antuña-Sanchez; D. González-Fernández; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Inventory of aerosol episodes in Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) in the period 2017-2020 by sun photometry Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX


S. Taylor; S. Adriaensen; C. Toledano; A. Barreto; E. Woolliams; M. Bouvet

LIME: the Lunar Irradiance Model of the European Space Agency Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX


Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Mann, G.; Barnes, J.; Rodríguez-Vega, A.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Fiocco, G.; Grams, G.W.

Data rescue of stratospheric aerosol observations from lidar at Lexington, MA, and Fairbanks, AK, January 1964 to July 1965 Conference

European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.



S. Herrero-Anta; C. Toledano; R. Román; R. González; C. Rtitter; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; D. González-Fernández; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Long range transported aerosol events over Ny-Alesund (Svalbard) in 2020 observed with Sun-Sky-Moon photometry Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX


R. González; C. Toledano; R. Román; D. Mateos; E. Asmi; E. Rodríguez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; S. Herrero-Anta; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Monitoring of long-range transported smoke in polar regions with remote sensing instruments Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX


Barreto, A.; Doppler, L.; Toledano, C.; Mazzola, M.; Kouremeti, N.; Uchiyama, A.; Novikov, V.; Navas-Guzmán, F.; Román, R.; Ritter, C.; González, R.; Vitale, V.; Stone, R.; Ivanescu, L.; Schulz, K.H.; Yamazahki, A.

Preliminary results on the third lunar/stellar AOD intercomparison campaign at Lindenberg’s MOL-RAO Observatory Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.



Román, R.; González, R.; Toledano, C.; Barreto, A.; Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Benavent-Oltra, J. A.; Olmo, F. J.; Cachorro, V.E.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; de Frutos, A. M.

New methodology to calculate AOD from lunar photometer Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021) Lisboa, Portugal (Online), 2021.



Mazzola, M.; Toledano, C.; Ivanescu, L.; Stone, R.; Ritter, C.; Vitale, V.; Doppler, L.; Stone, T.; Hansen, G.H.; Kouremeti, N.; Sasamoto, K.; McComiskey, A.; Barreto, A.; Román, R.; González, R.; Cachorro, V.E.; Barnes, J.E.; Uchiyama, A.; Yamanouchi, T.

Advances in Polar night AOD retrieval Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021) Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.




Sarah Taylor; Stefan Adriaensen; Carlos Toledano; Alberto Berjón; Africa Baretto; Emma Woolliams; Maria Garcia-Miranda; Marc Bouvet

The Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA (LIME) Conference

GSICS Lunar calibration workshop, GSICS Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System Darmstadt, Germany, 2020.



A. Barreto; R. Román; N. Prats; A. Lopatin; D. Fuertes; A.J. Berjón; F. Almansa; E. Cuevas; M. Yela.

Aerosol Profiles From MPL-Lidar And Photometric Measurements Using GRASP In A Subtropical North Atlantic Site. Evaluation With In-Situ Data. Conference

European Lidar Conference 2020 (ELC 2020), University of Granada Granada, Spain, 2020.



L. Alados-Arboledas; R. Román; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; A. Cazorla; J.A. Casquero-Vera; G. Titos; H. Lyamani; P. Ortíz-Amezcua; G.A. Moreira; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; D. Pérez-Ramírez; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; F.J. Olmo

Assessment of the atmospheric aerosol properties retrieved by GRASP algorithm during SLOPE II campaign Conference

European Lidar Conference 2020 (ELC 2020), Universidad de Granada Granada, Spain, 2020.



Graham, M.; Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Maycock, A.; McKenna, C.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Thomason, L.; Luo, B.; Deshler, T.; Rosen, J

Recovered measurements of the 1960s stratospheric aerosol layer for new constraints for volcanic forcing in the years after 1963 Agung Conference

European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2020.




Mann, G. W.; Shallcross, S.; Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Dhomse, S.; Schmidt, A.; Neely, R.; Carslaw, K. S.; Bellouin, N.; Winker, D. M.; Vaughan, G.; Young, S. A.

Ash-sulphuric interactions: Simulating major volcanic aerosol clouds as global dust veils Conference

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019 San Francisco, USA, 2019.



R. Román; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; J. Vaquero-Martínez; R. González; C. Velasco-Merino; P. Martín; M. Antón; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A de Frutos

Vapor de agua y cubierta de nubes sobre las zonas polares a través del instrumento AIRS Conference

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Asociación Española de Teledetección Valladolid, Spain, 2019.



J. Vaquero-Martínez; M. Antón; J.P. Ortiz de Galisteo; V.E. Cachorro; P. Álvarez-Zapatero; R. Román; D. Loyola; M.J. Costa; H. Wang; G. González-Abad; S. Noël; J. Montero-Martín

El vapor de agua integrado obtenido mediante instrumentos satelitales: evaluación con medidas de GPS en la Península Ibérica Conference

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Asociación Española de Teledetección Valladolid, Spain, 2019.



D. Mateos; R. González; D. Fuertes; C. Velasco-Merino; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; R. Román; P. Martín; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Distribución espacial de propiedades del aerosol mediante el software CAELIS Conference

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Asociación Española de Teledetección Valladolid, Spain, 2019.



J.A. Casquero-Vera; H. Lyamani; P. Paasonen; R. Román; S. Hakala; L. Dada; R. Fraile; T. Petäjä; M. Kulmala; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

New particle formation study at two different altitude sites during SLOPE II campaign Conference

European Aerosol Conference 2019, European Aerosol Conference (EAC) Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019.



C. Velasco-Merino; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V.E; Cachorro; R. González; S. Blindheim; M. Gausa; S. Mogo; C. Guirado; R. Román; J.C. Antuña; M. Herreras; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Aerosol radiative properties in a pristine subartic area using long-term columnar records Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.



P.L. Molina; A. Cazorla; M.L. Cancillo; A. Serrano; R. Román; C. Toledano; M. Pandolfi; A. Alastuey; L. Alados-Arboledas

Ceilometer calibration corrections in ICENET Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19), Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.



R. Román; A. Barreto; D. Pérez-Ramírez; R. González; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; C. Toledano; M. Herreras; J.C. Antuña; C. Velasco-Merino; D. Mateos; V.E. Cachorro; F.J. Olmo; E. Cuevas; L. Alados-Arboledas; A.M. de Frutos

Improvements on lunar photometry: comparison with star photometer measurements Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.



J. Vaquero-Martínez; M. Antón; A.F. Bagorrilha; J.P. Ortiz de Galisteo; V.E. Cachorro; R. Román

Preliminary validation of CIMEL water vapor product against GPS data in Spain Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.



M. Herreras; R. Román; M. Wiegner; C. Toledano; D. Fuertes; A. Cazorla; A. Lopatin; V.E. Cachorro

Uncertainty on the ceilometer retrievals of aerosol extinction profiles using synthetic data Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.



D. Mateos; C. Toledano; R. Román; C. Velasco-Merino; R. González; J.C. Antuña; C. Guirado; C. Ritter; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. De Frutos

Columnar aerosol properties in the Arctic: emphasis in nocturnal photometry Conference

The SSC16 conference, Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics Oslo, Norway, 2019.



J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; D. Pérez-Ramirez; H. Lyamani; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; A. Lopatin; O. Dubovik; A. Cazorla; G. Titos; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

GRASP daytime profiles of atmospheric aerosol microphysics in SLOPE campaign Conference

Final ACTRIS-2 General Meeting 2019, ACTRIS Darmstadt, Germany, 2019.



G. Titos; M. Ealo; R. Román; A. Cazorla; Y. Sola; O. Dubovik; A. Alastuey; M. Pandolfi

Retrieval of aerosol properties from ceilometer and photometer measurements: long-term evaluation with in-situ data and statistical analysis at Montsec (southern Pyrenees) Conference

Final ACTRIS-2 General Meeting 2019, ACTRIS Darmstadt, Germany, 2019.



G. Moreira; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; H. Lyamani; E. Landulfo; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas.

Studying the turbulence in the Rural Atmospheric Boundary Layer during AMAPOLA campaign by high-order moments obtained from Doppler and Elastic lidar systems Conference

Final ACTRIS-2 General Meeting 2019, ACTRIS Darmstadt, Germany, 2019.



J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; D. Pérez-Ramirez; H. Lyamani; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; G. Moreira; A. Lopatin; A. Barreto; J.L Guerrero-Rascado; D. Fuertes; C. Toledano; B. Torres; O. Dubovik; P. Goloub; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

Using GRASP with lidar, lunar photometer and sky-images to retrieve atmospheric aerosol microphysics night-time profiles Conference

Final ACTRIS-2 General Meeting 2019, ACTRIS Darmstadt, Germany, 2019.




J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; O. Dubovik; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

Aerosol vertical properties retrieved by GRASP code during SLOPE I and II campaigns Conference

4th ACTRIS-2 WP2 Workshop, Atmospheric Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, United Kindom, 2018.



J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; O. Dubovik; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

Aerosol vertical properties retrieved by GRASP code during SLOPE I and II campaigns Conference

The X Workshop Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMLA), Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia, 2018.



A.E. Bedoya-Velásquez; F. Navas-Guzmán; M.J. Granados-Muñoz; G. Titos; R. Román; J.A. Casquero-Vera; P. Ortíz-Azmecua; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; G. de Arruda-Moreira; E. Montillo-Rosero; C. Hoyos; B. Artiñano; E. Coz; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado

Remote sensing and in-situ instrumentation synergy for studying aerosol hygroscopic growth: case from SLOPE I campaign Conference

The X Workshop Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMLA), Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia, 2018.



A.E. Bedoya-Velásquez; F. Navas-Guzmán; G. de Arruda-Moreira; R. Román; A. Cazorla; P. Ortíz-Azmecua; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; F.J. Olmo; I. Foyo-Moreno; E. Montillo-Rosero; C. Hoyos; L. Alados-Arboledas; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado

Seasonal analysis of temperature and relative humidity profiles and integrated water vapor from microwave measurements over Granada (Spain) Conference

X Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America , Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín, Colombia, 2018.



J.A. Benavent-Oltra; R. Román; D. Pérez-Ramírez; F.J.S. Lopes; G.A. Moreira; A.E. Bedoya-Velasquez; P. Ortiz-Amezcua; J.A. Casquero-Vera; H. Lyamani; J.J. da Silva; A. Lopatin; E. Landulfo; P. Artaxo; E. Landulfo; J.L. Guerrero-Rascado; F.J. Olmo; L. Alados-Arboledas

Statistical analysis of aerosol properties retrieved by GRASP over São Paulo (Brazil) Conference

4th ACTRIS-2 WP2 Workshop, ACTRIS Hatfield, United Kindom, 2018.


369 entries « 2 of 8 »