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#Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #polarmoon #Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #PolarRegions #PolarRegions ?ngström exponent absorption Angstrom coefficient absorption coefficients ACTRIS AERONET aerosol aerosol characterization aerosol climatology aerosol concentration aerosol events aerosol hygroscopicity aerosol inversion Aerosol model validation aerosol optical depth Aerosol particles aerosol pollen event aerosol products aerosol profiles Aerosol Properties Aerosol radiative effects aerosol radiative properties Aerosol vertical distribution Aerosol vertical profiles Aerosols Aerosols; Atmospheric optics agua precipitable Air mass back trajectories Air pollution air quality index aircraft all-sky camera Angstrom Exponent annual cycle Antarctica AOD Arctic Arctic Haze Arctic pollution artic ash-sulphuric interactions asymptotic theory athmospheric aerosols atmosphere Atmospheric Aerosol atmospheric aerosols Atmospheric correction atmospheric gases aureole scans Australian fires balloon-borne measurements biomass burning Biomass burning urban industrial Black carbon brazil Brewer BSRN caecenet caelis calibration Calibration Facility campaign Caribbean area ceilometer Ceilometer data pre-processing ciclo anual CIMEL climatology cloud cover cloud effect efficiency (CEE) cloud effects on solar radiation (CRE) at surface cloud optical depth (COD) cloud radiative effect clouds CNN Coarse and fine modes COCCON COCCON-España Columnar aerosol data Columnar and surface aerosols columnar optical properties Comparison cuba Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption cumulus and stratocumulus desert dust desert mineral dust didáctica diffuse dimming/brightening direct radiation discrete ordinate method doppler Double tropopause events DSCOVR dust early instrumental data efecto gloria EKO MS-711 spectroradiometer EPIC ESA Europe European Artic fire Fires fotómetros solares FTIR GAME GAW GHG global analysis GNSS GPS GRASP GRASP algorithm greenhouse gases hand-held sunphotometer HDR High dynamic range High turbidity episodes higroscopicity hygroscopic icenet ICP-MS image analylis in-situ insolation Integrated water vapor integrating sphere intercomparison inverse methods inversion inversion products IWV Izaña Izaña Atmospheric Observatory La Palma langley LIDAR Light scattering Lightning LIME long-range transport long-term characterization long-term comparison long-term trends long-wave Longwave radiative effect lunar irradiance lunar photometry marambio matrix operator method matrix Riccati equations matrix-exponential Measurement Mediterranean campaign MEGEI-MAD meteorology microphysical properties microwave radiometer Microwave radiometry Mining exploitation model MODIS MODIS–AQUA Monte-Carlo method moon moon light polarization Morphological characterization of aerosol MPPD model multi-instrument analysis NAFDI Nanoparticles NDACC FTIR Nephelometer NILU-UV radiometer nubes nuevos métodos Ny-Alesund OMI optical properties Ozone ozone radiative forcing particle formation pbl PFR Phase center variations; GPS; Water vapor photometer photometer calibration photometry physical properties planetary bounday layer PM10 threshold polar Polar Regions polarization polarmoon POLARUBI pollutant pollution polynomials precipitable water vapour procesados pulmonary deposition PWV PWV; PWV; atmospheric water vapor content; diurnal regime; GPS PWV; GPS Quality Assurance Quality Control Radiation radiativa effect Radiative forcing Radiative transfer radiative transfer simulations radiometer radiometry radiosonde Radiosondes reanalysis data remote sensing retrieval ROLO Saharan Air Layer Saharan mineral dust Satellite Satellite remote sensing SAUNA campaign Scattering searchlight SEM SEM-EDX sensor satellinte SIOS sky camera sky radiance SLOPE smoke smoke ageing Solar radiation sondeos Sourthwestern Europe Spain spectral direct irradiance spectrometry spectrophotometer spectroradiometer spectroscopy star photometry stars stellar photometry stratospheric aerosol stratospheric density Sulphur dioxide Sun photometer sun photometry sun-photometer Sun-sky photometer sun-sky photometry Surface and columnar aerosol data surface solar radiation Svalbard técnicas de aceleración computacional temperature tesis transferencia radiativa Transport Troposphere tropospheric aerosol ultraviolet radiation urban UV UV irradiance UV-visible irradiance UVI Vaisala ceilometer Validation vapor de agua Vegetation Index Vegetation monitoring volcanic aerosol volcanic eruption Volcanic sulphates Water vapor water vapour ZEN-R52 Radiometer zenith sky radiance
729 entries « 2 of 15 »



M. J. Granados-Muñoz; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; P. Cariñanos; J. Abril-Gago; D. Bermejo-Pantaleon; Alberto Cazorla; Roberto Roman; Ramiro González; Lucas Alados-Arboledas

Analysis of optical, microphysical and radiative properties of extreme pollen events observed by remote sensors in Southeastern Spain Conference

11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022) Athens, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol pollen event, aerosol radiative properties, microphysical properties, optical properties


A. Salguero; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado; M. João Costa; R. Román; A. Cazorla; A. Serrano; M. Pandolf; F. Molero; R. Barragán; M. Sicard; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; D. Bortoli; A. Comerón; F. Tiago Couto; D. C. F. dos Santos Oliveira; R. González; C.Gíl-Día; C. Muñoz-Porcar; D. Pérez-Ramírez; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; M. Herreras-Giralda; J. Abril-Gago; M.Á. López-Cayuela; C.V. Carvajal-Pérez; A. Barreto; L. Alados-Arboledas

Characterization of Cumbre Vieja volcanic plumes detected over the Iberian Peninsula using GRASP algorithm retrievals from a set of remote sensing instrumentation Conference

11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022) Athens, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption, GRASP, volcanic aerosol


Javier Vaquero-Martínez; André F. Bagorrilha; Manuel Antón; Juan C. Antuña-Marrero; Victoria E. Cachorro

Comparison of CIMEL sun-photometer and ground-based GNSS integrated water vapor over south-western European sites Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Research, vol. 275, pp. 106217, 2022, ISSN: 0169-8095.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Comparison, GNSS, Sun photometer, sun-photometer, Water vapor


S. Herrero; R. Román; D. Mateos; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; C. Toledano; F. Almansa; R. Gonzalez; M. Herreras-Giralda; D. González-Fernández; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Retrieval of aerosol properties from zenith sky radiance measurements Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, GRASP, zenith sky radiance


R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Toledano; C. Emde; V. Cachorro; D. Mateos; S. Herrero-Anta; J. C. Antuña-Sánchez; R. González; J.C. Antuña-Marrero; B. Mayer; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Impact of clouds on cloud-free sky radiances in a partially cloudy scenario Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: all-sky camera, clouds, GRASP, sky radiance


R. Román; J. C. Antuña-Sánchez; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; B. Torres; D. Mateos; D. Fuertes; C. López; R. González; T. Lapionok; M. Herreras-Giralda; O. Dubovik; A.M. de Frutos

Retrieval of Aerosol Properties with an all-sky Camera Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, all-sky camera, GRASP


A. Barreto; O.E. García; R. Román; M. Sicard; V. Rizi; R. Roininen; P.M. Romero- Campos; Y. González; S. Rodríguez; R.D. García; C. Torres; M. Iarlori; E. Cuevas; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; J. de La Rosa; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; C. Muñoz-Porcar; A. Comerón; A. Bedoya-Velásquez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; V. Neustroev; E. Pietropaolo; J. López- Darias; M.A. López-Cayuela; C. Carvajal-Pérez; J.J. Bustos; O. Álvarez; C. Toledano; C. Aramo; J. Vilches; R. González; A.F. Almansa; R. Ceolato; N. Taquet; N. Prats; A. Redondas; C.I. Bayo; R. Ramos; V. Carreño; S.L. León; P.P. Rivas; A. Alcántara; C. López; P. Martín

La Palma Volcano Eruption: Characterisation of Volcanic Aerosols and Gas Emissions from a Synergetic Perspective Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: La Palma, volcanic aerosol, volcanic eruption


S. Kazadzis; N. Kouremeti; J. Gröbner; M. Campanelli; V. Estelles; H. Che; C. Toledano; P. Goloub; A. Barreto; T. Carlund; R. Becker; L. Doppler; F. Navas-Guzmán; M. Milner; W.S. Jung; A. Kreuter

Results of 5th filter radiometer comparison of aerosol optical depth measurements Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol optical depth


D. Mateos; S. Herrero; R. Román; C. Ritter; J.C. Antuña-Sanchez; D. Ruiz-Ramos; D. González-Fernández; R. González; J.C. Antuña-Marrero; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Aerosol Radiative Effect in the European Arctic Under High Turbidity Conditions in the Period 2017-2021 by Sun/Lunar Photometry Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: #Arctic, High turbidity episodes, photometry, Radiative forcing


A. Calle; P. Martín; C. Toledano; R. González; R. Román; D. Mateos; V. Cachorro; S. Herrero; J.C. Antuña-Marrero; D. González-Fernández; A.M. de Frutos

Caracterización del espesor óptico de aerosoles en latitudes árticas y antárticas Conference

XIX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección Pamplona, Spain, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: AOD, Polar Regions


Antuña Marrero, J.C.; Mann, G.; Barnes, J.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Calle, A.; Cachorro, V. E.; Deshler, T.; Zhengyao, L.; Sharma, N.

Recovering lost or forgotten stratospheric lidar and searchlight datasets to provide new constraints for stratospheric change and volcanic impacts Conference

3rd International Workshop on Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRC) Leeds, United Kingdom, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: LIDAR


García, O.; Suárez, D.; Cuevas, E.; Ramos, R.; Barreto, Á.; Hernández, M.; Quintero, V.; Toledano, C.; Sicard, M.; Córdoba-Jabonero, C.; Riz, V.; Roininen, R.; López, C.; Vilches, J.; Weiss, M.; Carreño, V.; Taquet, N.; Boulesteix, T.; Fraile, E.; Torres, C.; Prats, N.; Alcántara, A.; León, S.; Rivas, P.; Álvarez, Ó.; Parra, F.; de Luis, J.; González, C.; Armas, C.; Romero, P.; de Bustos, J.; Redondas, A.; Marrero, C.; Milford, C.; Román, R.; González, R.; López-Cayuela, M.; Carvajal-Pérez, C.; Chinea, N.; García, R.; Almansa, F.; González, Y.; Bullón, F.; Poggio, M.; Rivera, C.; Bayo, C.; Rey, F.

La erupción volcánica de La Palma y el papel de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología Journal Article

In: Revista Tiempo Y Clima, vol. 5, no. 76, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:


J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; R. Román; J.L. Bosch; C. Toledano; D. Mateos; R. González; V.E. Cachorro; Ángel de Frutos

ORION software tool for the geometrical calibration of all-sky cameras Journal Article

In: PLoS ONE 17(3), 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: all-sky camera, clouds, image analylis, polynomials, stars


V. E. Cachorro; J. C. Antuña-Sanchez; Á. M. Frutos

SSolar-GOA v1.0: a simple, fast, and accurate Spectral SOLAR radiative transfer model for clear skies Journal Article

In: Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1689–1712, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: model, Radiative transfer, Solar radiation


G.H. Hansen; T. Zielinski; P. Pakszys; C. Ritter; S. Gilardoni; K. Eleftheriadis; N. Kouremeti; D. Mateos; S. Herrero; S. Kazadzis; M. Mazzola; K. Stebel

Re-evaluation and Homogenization of Aerosol Optical Depth Observations in Svalbard (ReHearsol) Technical Report

2022, ISBN: 978-82-425-3073-8.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, Arctic, SIOS


S. Gilardoni; M. Mazzola; A. Viola; A. Lupi; V. Vitale; C. Ritter; N. Kouremeti; R. Krejci; K. Eleftheriadis; D. Mateos; S. Herrero-Anta; G. Hansen

Analysis of aerosol vertical distribution in the arctic using multiple platform observations Conference

Oral presentation Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e Meteorologia (AISAM), 15-19 Feb 2022 Milan, Italy, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical distribution, multi-instrument analysis


Juan Carlos Antuña-Marrero; Roberto Román; Victoria E. Cachorro; David Mateos; Carlos Toledano; Abel Calle; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez; Javier Vaquero-Martínez; Manuel Antón; Ángel M. Frutos Baraja

Integrated water vapor over the Arctic: Comparison between radiosondes and sun photometer observations Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Research, vol. 270, pp. 106059, 2022, ISSN: 0169-8095.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Arctic, Integrated water vapor, radiosonde, Sun photometer


R. Román; J. C. Antuña-Sánchez; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; B. Torres; D. Mateos; D. Fuertes; C. López; R. González; T. Lapionok; M. Herreras-Giralda; O. Dubovik; Á. M. Frutos

Retrieval of aerosol properties using relative radiance measurements from an all-sky camera Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 407–433, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, all-sky camera, GRASP, retrieval


Albeht Rodríguez-Vega; Juan Carlos Antuña-Marrero; David Barriopedro; Ricardo García-Herrera; Victoria E. Cachorro Revilla; Ángel Frutos Baraja; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez

Climatology of aerosols over the Caribbean islands: aerosol types, synoptic patterns and transport Journal Article

In: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Juan Carlos Antuña Sánchez

Configuración y metodología para el uso de cámaras de todo cielo en la obtención de parámetros atmosféricos PhD Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, 2022, (dirección: Roberto Román, Ángel M. de Frutos y Victoria E. Cachorro.).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: all-sky camera, atmospheric aerosols, sky radiance



Hansen G; Kouremeti N; Gilardoni S; Stebel K; Evangeliou N; Ritter C; Zielinski T; Herrero S; Kazadzis S; Mateos D; Mazzola M; Pakszys P; Eleftheriadis K

Long-term observations of aerosol optical depth and their relation to in-situ aerosol properties in the Svalbard region (LOAD-RIS) Book Chapter

In: pp. 44-61, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, 2021, ISBN: 978-82-93871-07-1.

BibTeX | Tags:


Daniel González-Fernández; Jorge Monzón; Elena Pascual; Íñigo de Loyola; Pablo Gila; Pablo Álvarez; Víctor M. González; David Mateos

Efecto Schlieren: visualización de pequeños cambios en el índice de refracción Conference

XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica (RNO) Madrid, Spain (Online), 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Toledano; R. González; J. C. Antuña-Sanchez; V. E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Empleo de técnicas de medida láser y fotométricas para la identificación de aerosoles atmosféricos en el Círculo polar Ártico Conference

XIII Reunión Nacional de Óptica (RNO) Madrid, Spain (Online), 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


A.E. Bedoya-Velásquez; S. Lefebvre; M. Herreras-Giralda; R. Román; C. Toledano; T.Huet; R.Ceolato

Inverse methods for retrieving aerosol products from ceilometers Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, ceilometer, inverse methods


E. Bazo; M.J. Granados-Muñoz; J.A. Bravo-Aranda; R. Román

Statistical analysis of the atmospheric aerosol radiative properties over a year in Granada Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol radiative properties


A. Bereinkua; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; A. Cazorla; R. Román; R. González; D. Bermejo-Pantaleón; S.D. Aguirre-García; S. Aranda; P. Cariñanos; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; J. Abril-Gago; L. Alados-Arboledas; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado

First characterization of aerosol profiles retrieved from ceilometer and sun-photometer by the GRASP algorithm at the rural Guadiana-UGR station Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol profiles, ceilometer, GRASP, sun-photometer


R. Román; R. González; A. Cazorla; M. Herreras-Giralda; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; C. Toledano

CAECENET: Columnar and vertically-resolved aerosol products in near-real-time joining sun/sky photometer and ceilometer measurement networks Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol products, ceilometer, sun-sky photometry


R. Román; R. González; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; A. Barreto; P. Martín; C. Toledano; R. Ramos; A. Cazorla; S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; O. García; D. González-Fernández; R. Carracedo; M. Herreras-Giralda; V. Carreño; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; E. Cuevas; A. M. de Frutos

Vertical profiles of aerosol properties retrieved at La Palma, Canary Islands, during the CUmbre-Vieja volcano eruption in September-October 2021 Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties


S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Toledano; R. González; V. E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Identification and tracking of a desert dust plume detected at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Conference

European Lidar Conference 2021 (ELC2021) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Mann, G. W.; Barnes, J.; Rodríguez Vega, A.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Keckhut, P.; Nardi, B.; Thomason, L. W.

SSiRC stratospheric aerosols lidar data rescue Conference

Virtual Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role on Climate (SSiRC) Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, LIDAR


A. Barreto; R. Román; M. Sicard; V. Rizi; R. Roininen; P. M. Romero-Campos; Y. González; S. Rodríguez; R. D. García; C. Torres; M. Iarlori; O. E. García; E. Cuevas; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; J. de la Rosa; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; C. Muñoz-Porcar; A. Comerón; A. Bedoya-Velásquez; J.C. Antuña-Sanchez; V. Neustroev; E. Pietropaolo; Y. Lopez-Darias; J. J. Bustos; O. Álvarez; C. Toledano; C. Aramo; R. González; F.A. Almansa; R. Ceolato; N. Prats; A. Redondas; C. Bayo; R. Ramos; S. L. León; P. Martín

Characterization of volcanic aerosols from a synergetic perspective during Cumbre Vieja (La Palma) eruption Conference

ACTRIS Week 2021 Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Estevan, R.; Landulfo, E.; Rodríguez-Vega, A.; Antuña-Sanchez, J. C

Extending LALINET observations to the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS): A challenge in the post-COVID-19 era Conference

XI Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: LIDAR


A. Bereinkua; D. Pérez-Ramírez; H. Lyamani; A. Cazorla; R. Román; R. González; D. Bermejo-Pantaleón; S. D. Aguirre-García; S. Aranda; P. Cariñanos; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; L. Alados-Arboledas; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado

Intense Saharan Dust Event Over the Southern Iberian Peninsula in Spring 2021 study using GRASP Algorithm Conference

XI Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMÑLA XI) Punta Arenas, Chile, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


O. E. García; M. Schneider; E. Sepúlveda; F. Hase; T. Blumenstock; E. Cuevas; R. Ramos; J. Gross; S. Barthlott; A. N. Röhling; E. Sanromá; Y. González; Á. J. Gómez-Peláez; M. Navarro-Comas; O. Puentedura; M. Yela; A. Redondas; V. Carre no; S. F. León-Luis; E. Reyes; R. D. García; P. P. Rivas; P. M. Romero-Campos; C. Torres; N. Prats; M. Hernández; C. López

Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory -- overview and long-term comparison to other techniques Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 15519–15554, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: long-term comparison, NDACC FTIR


Guerrero-Rascado, J.L.; Bereinkua, A.; Bermejo-Pantaléon, D.; Román, R.; González, R.; Cazorla, A.; Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Lyamani, H.; Aguirre-García, S. D.; Aranda, S.; Abril-Gago, J.; Granados-Muñoz, M. J.; Bravo-Aranda, J. A.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Cariñanos, P

First characterization of the pollen vertical profiles at an olive crop by remote sensing techniques Conference

Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems Conference Paphos, Cyprus, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


C Peris-Ferrús; J L Gómez-Amo; P C Valdelomar; F Scarlatti; R Román; C Emde; M P Utrillas

Retrieval of cloud optical depth: synergies between whole sky imagers and radiative transfer modeling Conference

Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXVI (RS104) Madrid, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


J. C. Antuña-Marrero; G. W. Mann; J. Barnes; A. Rodríguez-Vega; S. Shallcross; S. S. Dhomse; G. Fiocco; G. W. Grams

Recovery of the first ever multi-year lidar dataset of the stratospheric aerosol layer, from Lexington, MA, and Fairbanks, AK, January 1964 to July 1965 Journal Article

In: Earth System Science Data, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 4407–4423, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, LIDAR


S. Herrero-Anta

Análisis de una pluma de aerosol mineral detectada en el Ártico mediante fotometría solar Masters Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags:


J A Benavent-Oltra; J A Casquero-Vera; R Román; H Lyamani; D Pérez-Ramírez; M J Granados-Muñoz; M Herrera; A Cazorla; G Titos; P Ortiz-Amezcua; A E Bedoya-Velásquez; G de Arruda Moreira; N Pérez; A Alastuey; O Dubovik; J L Guerrero-Rascado; F J Olmo-Reyes; L Alados-Arboledas

Overview of the SLOPE I and II campaigns: aerosol properties retrieved with lidar and sun--sky photometer measurements Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 9269-9287, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, LIDAR, SLOPE, sun photometry


Barreto, A.; García, O. E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Aerosol properties by ground-based TCCON FTIR spectrometry Conference

TCCON/COCCON/NDACC Meeting 2021 Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, FTIR, spectrometry


B. Barja; J. Rosas; V.E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; J.C. Antuña-Marrero; R. Estevan; A.M. de Frutos

Surface shortwave cloud radiative effect of Cumulus (Cu) and Stratocumulus-Cumulus (Sc-Cu) cloud types in the Caribbean area (Camagüey Cuba, 2010-2016) Journal Article

In: Atmósfera, vol. 36 (1), pp. 41-56, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, cloud effects on solar radiation (CRE) at surface, cloud radiative effect, radiative transfer simulations


Adolfo Comerón; Michaël Sicard; Marco Pandolfi; Roberto Román; ACTRIS-España

ACTRIS-España y sus actividades durante el confinamiento del COVID-19 en 2020 Conference

Congreso Nacional del Medioambiente (CONAMA2020) Granada, Spain, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: ACTRIS, aerosol


Barreto, A.; García, O.E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent From Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Conference

Innovation in Atmospheric Sciences Virtual Workshop Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol optical depth, Angstrom Exponent, FTIR


R. González; C. Toledano; R. Román Diez; D. Mateos; E. Asmi; E. Rodriguez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; S. Herrero-Anta; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Monitoring of long-range transported smoke in polar regions with remote sensing instruments Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Aerosol Properties, biomass burning, long-range transport, Polar Regions


S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; R. Román; R. González; C. Ritter; J.C. Antuña-Sanchez; D. González-Fernández; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Inventory of aerosol episodes in Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) in the period 2017-2020 by sun photometry Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Arctic Haze, High turbidity episodes, Svalbard


S. Taylor; S. Adriaensen; C. Toledano; A. Barreto; E. Woolliams; M. Bouvet

LIME: the Lunar Irradiance Model of the European Space Agency Conference

EGU21, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: calibration, LIME, lunar photometry


Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Mann, G.; Barnes, J.; Rodríguez-Vega, A.; Shallcross, S.; Dhomse, S.; Fiocco, G.; Grams, G.W.

Data rescue of stratospheric aerosol observations from lidar at Lexington, MA, and Fairbanks, AK, January 1964 to July 1965 Conference

European Geosciences Union (EGU) Online, 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, LIDAR


S. Herrero-Anta; C. Toledano; R. Román; R. González; C. Rtitter; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; D. González-Fernández; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Long range transported aerosol events over Ny-Alesund (Svalbard) in 2020 observed with Sun-Sky-Moon photometry Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Aerosol Properties, Arctic Haze, biomass burning, Svalbard


R. González; C. Toledano; R. Román; D. Mateos; E. Asmi; E. Rodríguez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; S. Herrero-Anta; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Monitoring of long-range transported smoke in polar regions with remote sensing instruments Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 (ASSW2021), International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Aerosol Properties, biomass burning, Polar Regions, Transport


Barreto, A.; Doppler, L.; Toledano, C.; Mazzola, M.; Kouremeti, N.; Uchiyama, A.; Novikov, V.; Navas-Guzmán, F.; Román, R.; Ritter, C.; González, R.; Vitale, V.; Stone, R.; Ivanescu, L.; Schulz, K.H.; Yamazahki, A.

Preliminary results on the third lunar/stellar AOD intercomparison campaign at Lindenberg’s MOL-RAO Observatory Conference

Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 Lisbon, Portugal (online), 2021.

BibTeX | Tags: AOD, lunar photometry, stellar photometry

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