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Dra. Rosa García

Graduated in physics at the University of La Laguna in Tenerife and researcher at UVA since 2008, within the specific agreement of collaboration between the (former) National Institute of Meteorology and the University of Valladolid for the establishment of quality control methodologies and systems for the photometry, atmospheric radiometry, ozone and aerosols programs within the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Programme. She defended the diploma of advanced studies at Valladolid University in July 2008, with a work entitled: “Capacity analysis of radiative transfer models for the calibration of radiometers: Application to the NILU-UV radiometer”. This work has been supervised by Dr. Alberto Berjón Arroyo and Dr. Ángel de Frutos and she defended his PhD in physics by the University of Valladolid (December 2011), with a thesis entitled: “Radiative Model Application for the operative control of the BSRN (Baseline Surface Radiation Network) program at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center” . This thesis has been supervised by Dr. Victoria Eugenia Cachorro Revilla, from the Applied Physics Department at the Valladolid University, and Dr. Emilio Cuevas Agulló, Director of the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (AEMET). At the present she is responsible of the BSRN program at the Izaña station, also in charge on methodologies of calibration of specific radiation instruments, quality control (as required by the BSRN network), and the application of radiative transference modeling, in order to evaluate experimental data quality, and for data rescue and long term series reconstruction.


65 entries « 1 of 2 »


Rosa D. García; África Barreto; Celia Rey; Eugenio Fraile-Nuez; Alba González-Vega; Sergio F. León-Luis; Antonio Alcantara; A. Fernando Almansa; Carmen Guirado-Fuentes; Pablo González-Sicilia; Victoria E. Cachorro; Frederic Bouchar

Aerosol retrievals derived from a low-cost Calitoo sun-photometer taken on board a research vessel Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 341, pp. 120888, 2025, ISSN: 1352-2310.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Daniel González-Fernández; Roberto Román; David Mateos; Celia Herrero del Barrio; Victoria E. Cachorro; Gustavo Copes; Ricardo Sánchez; Rosa Delia García; Lionel Doppler; Sara Herrero-Anta; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez; África Barreto; Ramiro González; Javier Gatón; Abel Calle; Carlos Toledano; Ángel Frutos

Retrieval of Solar Shortwave Irradiance from All-Sky Camera Images Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 16, no. 20, 2024, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

A. F. Almansa; A. Barreto; N. Kouremeti; R. González; A. Masoom; C. Toledano; J. Gröbner; R. D. García; Y. González; S. Kazadzis; S. Victori; O. Álvarez; F. Maupin; P. González; V. Carreño; V. E. Cachorro

The Langley ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurement Conference

AERONET Science and Application Exchange 2024, 17-19 Sep 2024 College Park, EEUU, 2024.


O. Álvarez Losada; A. Barreto; O.E. García; F. Hase R.D. García; J. Gröbner; S.F. León-Luis; E. Sepúlveda; V. Carreño; A. Alcántara; R. Ramos; A.F. Almansa; S. Kazadzis; N. Taquet; C. Toledano; E. Cuevas

Aerosol properties derived from ground-based Fourier transform spectra within the COllaborative CarbonColumn Observing Network Conference

European Aerosol Conference EAC2024, 25-30 Aug 2024 Tampere, Finland, 2024.


A. F. Almansa; Á. Barreto; N. Kouremeti; R. González; A. Masoom; C. Toledano; J. Gröbner; R. D. García; Y. González; S. Kazadzis; S. Victori; Ó. Álvarez; F. Maupin; V. Carreño; V. E. Cachorro; E. Cuevas

The Langley ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurements Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 659–675, 2024.

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R.D. García; O.E. García; E. Cuevas-Agulló; Á. Barreto; V.E. Cachorro-Revilla; C. Marrero; F. Almansa; R. Ramos; Ó. Álvarez; M. Pó.

Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izaña Observatory Conference

ELC 2023 4th edition of the European Lidar Conference. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2023.



R.D. García; O.E. García; E. Cuevas-Agulló; A. Barreto; V.E. Cachorro; C. Marrero; F. Almansa; R. Ramos; M. Pó

Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izaña Observatory Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 15(1), no. 17, 2022, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

A. Barreto; O.E. García; R. Román; M. Sicard; V. Rizi; R. Roininen; P.M. Romero- Campos; Y. González; S. Rodríguez; R.D. García; C. Torres; M. Iarlori; E. Cuevas; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; J. de La Rosa; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; C. Muñoz-Porcar; A. Comerón; A. Bedoya-Velásquez; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; V. Neustroev; E. Pietropaolo; J. López- Darias; M.A. López-Cayuela; C. Carvajal-Pérez; J.J. Bustos; O. Álvarez; C. Toledano; C. Aramo; J. Vilches; R. González; A.F. Almansa; R. Ceolato; N. Taquet; N. Prats; A. Redondas; C.I. Bayo; R. Ramos; V. Carreño; S.L. León; P.P. Rivas; A. Alcántara; C. López; P. Martín

La Palma Volcano Eruption: Characterisation of Volcanic Aerosols and Gas Emissions from a Synergetic Perspective Conference

International Radiation Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.



O. E. García; M. Schneider; E. Sepúlveda; F. Hase; T. Blumenstock; E. Cuevas; R. Ramos; J. Gross; S. Barthlott; A. N. Röhling; E. Sanromá; Y. González; Á. J. Gómez-Peláez; M. Navarro-Comas; O. Puentedura; M. Yela; A. Redondas; V. Carre no; S. F. León-Luis; E. Reyes; R. D. García; P. P. Rivas; P. M. Romero-Campos; C. Torres; N. Prats; M. Hernández; C. López

Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory -- overview and long-term comparison to other techniques Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 15519–15554, 2021.

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Barreto, A.; García, O. E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Aerosol properties by ground-based TCCON FTIR spectrometry Conference

TCCON/COCCON/NDACC Meeting 2021 Online, 2021.


Barreto, A.; García, O.E.; Schneider, M.; García, R.D.; Hase, F.; Sepúlveda, E.; Almansa, A.F.; Cuevas, E.; Blumenstock, T.

Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent From Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Conference

Innovation in Atmospheric Sciences Virtual Workshop Online, 2021.


Rosa Delia García; Emilio Cuevas; Victoria Eugenia Cachorro; Omaira E. García; África Barreto; A. Fernando Almansa; Pedro M. Romero-Campos; Ramón Ramos; Mário Pó; Kees Hoogendijk; Jochen Gross

Water Vapor Retrievals from Spectral Direct Irradiance Measured with an EKO MS-711 Spectroradiometer—Intercomparison with Other Techniques Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 13, no. 3, 2021, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


R. D. García-Cabrera; E. Cuevas-Agulló; Á. Barreto; V. E. Cachorro; M. Pó; R. Ramos; K. Hoogendijk

Aerosol retrievals from the EKO MS-711 spectral direct irradiance measurements and corrections of the circumsolar radiation Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 2601–2621, 2020.

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Antonio Fernando Almansa; Emilio Cuevas; África Barreto; Benjam'in Torres; Omaira Elena Garc'ia; Rosa Delia Garc'ia; Cristian Velasco-Merino; Victoria Eugenia Cachorro; Alberto Berjón; Manuel Mallorquín; César López; Ramón Ramos; Carmen Guirado-Fuertes; Ramón Negrillo; Ángel M. de Frutos

Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1424, 2020.

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R. D. García; E. Cuevas; R. Ramos; V. E. Cachorro; A. Redondas; J. A. Moreno-Ruiz

Description of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) station at the Izaña Observatory (2009--2017): measurements and quality control/assurance procedures Journal Article

In: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 77–96, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


E. Cuevas, J.J. Bustos, S. Rodríguez, C. Marrero, E. Reyes, R. D. García, O. E. García, A. Barreto, C. Guirado-Fuentes

Short-term variations of the Saharan Air Layer atmospheric properties over the North Atlantic driven by NAFDI: Summer 2017 case analysis Conference

Tenerife, Spain, 22-24 May de 2018, 2018, (9th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall).



E. Cuevas; C. Milford; J.J. Bustos; R. del Campo-Hernández; O.E. García; R.D. García; A.J. Gómez-Peláez; C. Guirado-Fuentes; C. Marrero; N. Prats; R. Ramos; A. Redondas; E. Reyes; S. Rodríguez P.M. Romero-Campos; M. Schneider; J. Belmonte; M. Yela; F. Almansa; A. Barreto; C. López-Solano; S. Basart; E. Terradellas; S. Afonso; C. Bayo; A. Berjón; J. Bethencourt; V. Carreño; N.J. Castro; A.M. Cruz; M. Damas; F. De Ory-Ajamil; M.I. García; V. Gómez-Trueba; Y. González; C. Hernández; Y. Hernández; B. Hernández-Cruz; M. Jover; S.F. León-Luís; R. López-Fernández; J. López-Solano; E. Rodríguez; J.J. Rodríguez-Franco; M. Rodríguez-Valido; C. Sálamo; E. Sanromá; D. Santana; F. Santo Tomás; E. Sepúlveda; M. Sierra; E. Sosa

Izaña Atmospheric Research Center Activity Report 2015-2016 Technical Report

no. 236, 2017.

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Pedro Miguel Romero Campos, Emilio Cuevas Agulló, Stelios Kazadzis, Natalia Kouremeti, Rosa Delia García Cabrera, Carmen Guirado Fuentes

Análisis de la trazabilidad en los valores del AOD obtenidos a partir de las medidas de las redes AERONET-CIMEL y GAW-PFR durante el período 2005-2015 en el Observatorio Atmosférico de Izaña Technical Report

2017, (Nota técnica 23 de AEMET. NIPO: 014-17-008-X).


R.D. García, E. Cuevas, A. Barreto, V. Cachorro, R. Ramos, C. Guirado, C. Toledano; K. Hoogendijk

Preliminary results of Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory from spectral direct irradiance measured with an EKO MS-711 spectrorradiometer Conference

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (44th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods).

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Almansa, A. F.; Cuevas, E.; Torres, B.; Barreto, Á.; García, R. D.; Cachorro, V. E.; de Frutos, Á. M.; López, C.; Ramos, R.

A new zenith-looking narrow-band radiometer-based system (ZEN) for dust aerosol optical depth monitoring Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 565–579, 2017.

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García, R. D.; Cuevas, E.; García, O. E.; Ramos, R.; Romero-Campos, P. M.; de Ory, F.; Eugenia Cachorro, V.; de Frutos, A.

Compatibility of different measurement techniques of global solar radiation and application for long-term observations at Izaña Observatory Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 731–743, 2017.

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A. F. Almansa; E. Cuevas; B. Torres; A. Barreto; R. D. García; V. E. Cachorro; C. Guirado; A. de Frutos; C. López; R. Ramos

Desert dust remote sensing with the new zenith looking narrow-band radiometer based system (ZEN) Conference



Cuevas, E., C. Guirado, A. Barreto, R. García, O. García, M. Schneider, P.M. Romero-Campos, F. Almansa, J. López-Solano, A. Redondas, R. Ramos

WMO-CIMO Testbed for Aerosols and Water Vapor Remote Sensing Instruments (Izaña, Spain) Conference

World Meteorological Organization Madrid, Spain, 2016, (2016 WMO CIMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO TECO-2016)).


R.D. García, O.E. García, E. Cuevas, S. Rodríguez, V.E. Cachorro, A. Barreto, C. Guirado-Fuentes, J.J. Bustos, P.M. Romero; A.M. de Frutos

Long-term recovering of aerosol optical depth from 1941 to 2013 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory Conference

Universidade de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal, 2016, ISBN: 978-989-98342-6-2, ( 8th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall).

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García, R. D.; García, O. E.; Cuevas, E.; Cachorro, V. E.; Barreto, A.; Guirado-Fuentes, C.; Kouremeti, N.; Bustos, J. J.; Romero-Campos, P. M.; de Frutos, A. M.

Aerosol optical depth retrievals at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory from 1941 to 2013 by using artificial neural networks Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 53–62, 2016.

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R. D. García; V. E. Cachorro; E. Cuevas; C. Toledano; A. Redondas; M. Blumthaler; Y. Benounna

Comparison of measured and modelled spectral UV irradiance at Izaña high mountain station: estimation of the underlying effective albedo Journal Article

In: International Journal of Climatology, vol. 36, pp. 377-388, 2016.

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R.D. García, E. Cuevas, O.E. García, V.E. Cachorro, P. Pallé, J.J. Bustos, P.M. Romero-Campos; A.M. de Frutos

Long-term recovering of global solar radiation from 1933 to 2013 at Izaña Atmospheric Observatory Conference

Comité Nacional CLIVAR-España Tortosa, Spain, 2015, (International Symposium CLIMA-ES 2015).


R.D. García, O.E. García, E. Cuevas, V.E. Cachorro, A. Barreto, C. Guirado, N. Kouremeti, J.J. Bustos, P.M. Romero-Campos; A.M. de Frutos

Aerosol optical depth retrieval at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory from 1941 to 2013 Conference

Comité Nacional CLIVAR-España Tortosa, Spain, 2015, (International Symposium CLIMA-ES 2015).


E. Cuevas; C. Milford; J.J. Bustos; R. del Campo-Hernández; O.E. García; R.D. García; A.J. Gómez-Peláez; R. Ramos; A. Redondas; E. Reyes; S. Rodríguez P.M. Romero-Campos; M. Schneider; J. Belmonte; M. Gil-Ojeda; F. Almansa; S. Alonso-Pérez; A. Barreto; Y. González-Morales; C. Guirado-Fuentes; C. López-Solano; S. Afonso; C. Bayo; A. Berjón; J. Bethencourt; C. Camino; V. Carreño; N.J. Castro; A.M. Cruz; M. Damas; F. De Ory-Ajamil; M.I. García; C.M. Fernández-de Mesa; Y. González; C. Hernández; Y. Hernández; M.A. Hernández; B. Hernández-Cruz; M. Jover; S.O. Kühl; R. López-Fernández; J. López-Solano; A. Peris; J.J. Rodríguez-Franco; C. Sálamo; E. Sepúlveda; M. Sierra

Izaña Atmospheric Research Center Activity Report 2012-2014 Technical Report

no. 219, 2015.

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E. Cuevas, R.D. García, R. Ramos, V.E. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos

Status of the Izaña BSRN Station Conference

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Councils Bologna, Italy, 2014, (13th BSRN Scientific Review and Workshop).


R.D. García, O.E. García, E. Cuevas, V.E. Cachorro, A.M. de Frutos

Long-Term in global solar radiation at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory from 1933-2013 Conference

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Councils Bologna, Italy, 2014, (13th BSRN Scientific Review and Workshop).


R.D. García, O.E. García, V.E. Cachorro, E. Cuevas, C. Guirado, Y. Hernández, A. Berjón, A.M. de Frutos

Vertical distribution of the mineral dust radiative forcing in Tenerife Conference

Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain, 2014, (2nd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology).


E. Cuevas, A. Gómez-Peláez, A. Redondas, O. García, S. Rodríguez, R. Ramos, P.M. Romero-Campos, R.D. García, Y. González, A.Berjón, C. Guirado, J.J. Rodríguez, A. Barreto, F. Almansa, J.J. Bustos

Activities of the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center within the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Conference

Asociación Meteorológica Española Oviedo, Spain, 2014, (XXXIII Jornadas Científicas de la AME, Tiempo Clima y Sociedad).

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T. Karppinen; A. Redondas; R. D. García; K. Lakkala; C. T. McElroy; E. Kyrö

Compensating for the Effects of Stray Light in Single-Monochromator Brewer Spectrophotometer Ozone Retrieval Journal Article

In: Atmosphere-Ocean, 2014.

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R. D. García; E. Cuevas; O. E. García; V. E. Cachorro; P. Pallé; J. J. Bustos; P. M. Romero-Campos; A. M. d. Frutos

Re-construction of global solar radiation time series from 1933 to 2013 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory Journal Article

In: Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., vol. 7, pp. 4191-4227, 2014.


García, R. D.; Cuevas, E.; García, O. E.; Cachorro, V. E.; Pallé, P.; Bustos, J. J.; Romero-Campos, P. M.; de Frutos, A. M.

Reconstruction of global solar radiation time series from 1933 to 2013 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 3139–3150, 2014.

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R. D. García; O. E. García; E. Cuevas; V. E. Cachorro; P. M. Romero-Campos; R. Ramos; A. M. d. Frutos

Solar radiation measurements compared to simulations at the BSRN Izaña station. Mineral dust radiative forcing and efficiency study Journal Article

In: Journal of Geophyisical Research, vol. 119, pp. 179-194, 2014.

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M.I. García, S. Rodríguez, Y. González; R.D. García

Climatology of new particle formation at Izaña mountain GAW observatory in the subtropical North Atlantic Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 3865-3881, 2014.



R.D. García, V.E. Cachorro, E. Cuevas

Determination of the underlying effective albedo at Izaña high mountain station Conference

Davos, Switzerland, 2013, (The Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly - DACA 2013).


R.D. García, O.E.García, E.Cuevas, V.E.Cachorro, P.M. Romero-Campos, R. Ramos; A.M de Frutos

Mineral dust radiative forcing and efficiency at the BSRN Izaña station Conference

Geophysics Centre of the University of Évora Evora, Portugal, 2013, (The 1st Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology – RICTA 2013).


E. Cuevas, A. Gómez-Peláez, A. Redondas, O. García, S. Rodríguez, R. Ramos , P.M. Romero-Campos, R.D. García, Y. González, A.Berjón, C. Guirado, J.J. Rodríguez, J.J. Bustos

The Izaña Atmospheric Research Center: GAW activities Conference

World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerland, 2013, (GAW­2013 Symposium).


M. I. Garcia; S. Rodríguez; Y. González; R. D. García

Climatology of new particle formation events in the subtropical North Atlantic free troposphere at Izaña GAW observatory Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 24127—24169, 2013.


P.M. Romero, R.D. García, V.E. Cachorro

Estimación del forzamiento radiativo debido a aerosoles, vapor de agua y nubes a partir de las medidas del radiómetro multi-filtros con banda de sombra rotante MFRSR en el Observatorio Atmosférico de Izaña entre 2009 y 2011 Technical Report

2013, (Nota Técnica Digital 12 de AEMET. NIPO: 281-13-005-9).



M.I.García; S. Rodríguez; R. D. García; Y. González

Characterization of new particles formation events at Izaña Mountain Observatory (Tenerife,Canary Islands): formation, growth rates and influencing atmospheric parameters Conference

Granada, Spain, 2012, (European Aerosol Conference, (EAC-2012), Granada,Spain).


R. D. García; E. Cuevas; V. E. Cachorro; R. Ramos; A. M. de Frutos

Comparison between measurements and model simulations of daily solar radiation at the BSRN Izaña site Conference

2012, (39th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods (ASON 2012), Sopot, Poland).


R. D. García; E. Cuevas; V. E. Cachorro; R. Ramos; A. M. de Frutos

Comparison between measurements and model simulations of solar radiation at a high altitude site: Cases studies for the Izaña BSRN station Conference

Dahlem Cube, Berlin, Germany, 2012, (International Radiation Symposium (IRS 2012),Dahlem Cube, Berlin, Germany).

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T. Karppinen; A. Redondas; R. D. García; K. Lakkala; C. T. McElroy; E. Kyrö

Correcting Stray Light in Single-monochromator Brewer Spectrophotometers Conference

Toronto,Canada, 2012, (Quadrennial Ozone Symposium (QOS-2012). Toronto, Canada).


R. D. García; E. Cuevas; R. Ramos; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

Status of the Izaña BSRN station Conference

Potsdam, Germany, 2012, (Twelfth BSRN Scientific Review and Workshop. AWI, Potsdam, Germany).

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R. D. García; V. E. Cachorro; E. Cuevas; A. Redondas; A. M. de Frutos; A. Berjón

Comparison of measured and modeled UV spectral irradiance at the Izaña station based on LibRadtran and UVA-GOA models Journal Article

In: Óptica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 45, pp. 11-15, 2012.

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R. D. García; R. Ramos; E. Cuevas; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

The Izaña BSRN station Journal Article

In: Óptica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 45, pp. 51-55, 2012.

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65 entries « 1 of 2 »