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Ramiro González

He has a contract partly supported by the Technical Personnel program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, under the title ”Maintenance, supervision and automation of the RIMA calibration facility”. Our group supports 50% of his salary with its own projects (contracts with AEMET and JCyL). He is a Computer Technical Engineer and he is currently performing his master thesis to become in a Computer Engineer. The project is based on the task of calibration and investigation that GOA develops. His mission into the group is to attend the work of calibration and maintenance (repair, cleaning, etc.) of RIMA Cimel sun photometers, what also means maintenance of the field calibration platform in Autilla del Pino (Palencia) and the Optics laboratory. At the same time he is the webmaster of the GOA and RIMA websites and he supports part of the IT work performed by David Fuertes.


130 entries « 2 of 3 »


Ramiro González Catón

Desarrollo de nuevos métodos de procesado de datos de redes fotométricas para el análisis de propiedades del aerosol atmosférico PhD Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, 2021, (dirección: Carlos Toledano, Roberto Román).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


D. Mateos; V.E. Cachorro; C. Velasco-Merino; N.T. O'Neill; M.A. Burgos; R. Gonzalez; C. Toledano; M. Herreras; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Comparison of three different methodologies for the identification of high atmospheric turbidity episodes Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Research, pp. 104835, 2020.

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Ramiro González; Carlos Toledano; Roberto Román; David Fuertes; Alberto Berjón; David Mateos; Carmen Guirado-Fuentes; Cristian Velasco-Merino; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez; Abel Calle; Victoria E. Cachorro; Angel M. de Frutos

Daytime and nighttime aerosol optical depth implementation in CÆLIS Journal Article

In: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 417–433, 2020.

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Ramiro González; Carlos Toledano; Roberto Román; David Mateos; Eija Asmi; Edith Rodríguez; Ian C Lau; Jonathan Ferrara; Raúl D’Elia; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez; Victoria E Cachorro; Abel Calle; Ángel M de Frutos

Characterization of Stratospheric Smoke Particles over the Antarctica by Remote Sensing Instruments Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 22, 2020, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

R Román; R González; C Toledano; Á Barreto; D Pérez-Ramírez; J A Benavent-Oltra; F J Olmo; V E Cachorro; L Alados-Arboledas; Á M de Frutos

Correction of a lunar-irradiance model for aerosol optical depth retrieval and comparison with a star photometer Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 6293–6310, 2020.

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R. Román; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; J. Vaquero-Martínez; R. González; C. Velasco-Merino; P. Martín; M. Antón; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A de Frutos

Vapor de agua y cubierta de nubes sobre las zonas polares a través del instrumento AIRS Conference

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Asociación Española de Teledetección Valladolid, Spain, 2019.


D. Mateos; R. González; D. Fuertes; C. Velasco-Merino; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; R. Román; P. Martín; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Distribución espacial de propiedades del aerosol mediante el software CAELIS Conference

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Asociación Española de Teledetección Valladolid, Spain, 2019.


C. Velasco-Merino; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V.E; Cachorro; R. González; S. Blindheim; M. Gausa; S. Mogo; C. Guirado; R. Román; J.C. Antuña; M. Herreras; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Aerosol radiative properties in a pristine subartic area using long-term columnar records Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.


R. Román; A. Barreto; D. Pérez-Ramírez; R. González; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; C. Toledano; M. Herreras; J.C. Antuña; C. Velasco-Merino; D. Mateos; V.E. Cachorro; F.J. Olmo; E. Cuevas; L. Alados-Arboledas; A.M. de Frutos

Improvements on lunar photometry: comparison with star photometer measurements Conference

7th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA'19) Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.


D. Mateos; C. Toledano; R. Román; C. Velasco-Merino; R. González; J.C. Antuña; C. Guirado; C. Ritter; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A.M. De Frutos

Columnar aerosol properties in the Arctic: emphasis in nocturnal photometry Conference

The SSC16 conference, Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics Oslo, Norway, 2019.


A. Barreto; R. Román; E. Cuevas; D. Pérez-Ramírez; A.J. Berjón; N. Kouremeti; S. Kazadzis; J. Gröbner; M. Mazzola; C. Toledano; J.A. Benavent-Oltra; L. Doppler; J. Juryšek; A.F. Almansa; S. Victori; F. Maupin; C. Guirado-Fuentes; R. González; V. Vitale; P. Goloub; L. Blarel; L. Alados-Arboledas; E. Woolliams; S. Taylor; J.C. Antuña; M. Yela

Evaluation of night-time aerosols measurements and lunar irradiance models in the frame of the first multi-instrument nocturnal intercomparison campaign. Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 202, pp. 190-211, 2019, ISSN: 1352-2310.

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C Toledano; B Torres; C Velasco-Merino; D Althausen; S Groß; M Wiegner; B Weinzierl; J Gasteiger; A Ansmann; R González; D Mateos; D Farrel; T Müller; M Haarig; V E Cachorro

Sun photometer retrievals of Saharan dust properties over Barbados during SALTRACE Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 19, no. 23, pp. 14571–14583, 2019.

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D. Mateos; V. E. Cachorro; S. Mogo; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; R. González; A. Berjón; C. Guirado; R. Román; J. C. Antuña; M. Herreras; E. Rodríguez; E. Asmi; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Research on aerosols, clouds, and water vapour in Polar Regions Conference

10th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences , University of Aveiro Portugal, 2018.


C. Toledano; R. González; D. Fuertes; E. Cuevas; T. F. Eck; S. Kazadzis; N. Kouremeti; J. Gröbner; P. Goloub; L. Blarel; R. Román; Á. Barreto; A. Berjón; B. N. Holben; V. E. Cachorro

Assessment of Sun photometer Langley calibration at the high-elevation sites Mauna Loa and Izaña Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 18, pp. 14555-14567, 2018.

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Cachorro, Victoria; Mateos, David; Toledano, Carlos; Velasco-Merino, Cristian; González, Ramiro; Berjón, Alberto; Guirado, Carmen; Román, Roberto; Antuña, Juan Carlos; Herreras, Marcos; Calle, Abel; de Frutos, Ángel Máximo

Observación atmosférica en zonas polares llevada a cabo por el grupo GOA-Uva Conference

SCAR, CSIC, IGME Madrid, Spain, 2018, (IX Simposio Español de Estudios Polares).


C. Toledano; M. Gausa; C. Velasco; S. Blindheim; R. Román; I. Hanssen; D. Mateos; M. Herreras; R. González; A. Calle; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

Sun photometer and lidar collocated aerosol measurements at ALOMAR: a long-term comparison Conference

ISF Kiruna, Sweden, 2018, (45th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods).


David Fuertes; Carlos Toledano; Ramiro González; Alberto Berjón; Benjamín Torres; Victoria E. Cachorro; Ángel M. de Frutos


IEEE Valencia, Spain, 2018, (International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium).


A. Calle; D. Mateos; V.E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; A. López; R. González; A. de Frutos; J.C. Antuña; R. Román

Aerosol optical depth characterization in middle and polar latitudes Conference

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) Valencia, Spain, 2018.


Velasco-Merino Cristian, Mateos David, Toledano Carlos, Prospero Joseph M., Molinie Jack, Euphrasie-Clotilde Lovely, González Ramiro, Cachorro Victoria E., Calle Abel, Frutos Angel M. de

Impact of long-range transport over the Atlantic Ocean on Saharan dust optical and microphysical properties based on AERONET data Conference



C. Velasco-Merino, D. Mateos, M. Herreras, C. Toledano, A. Calle, R. González, A. Berjón, C. Guirado, R. Román, J. C. Antuña, V. E. Cachorro,; A. M. de Frutos

Radiometric and photometric measurements (solar and lunar) in the A-LIFE field campaign in Cyprus Conference



M. Herreras; D. Mateos; C. Velasco-Merino; C. Toledano; A. Calle; R. González; C. Guirado; R. Román; J. C. Antuña; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Characterization of Saharan and Arabian dust episodes by sun photometry in the A-LIFE field experiment in Cyprus Conference

UPV and UNED Bilbao, Spain, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

D. Mateos; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; R. González; A. Berjón; C. Guirado; R. Román; J. C. Antuña; M. Herreras; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Atmospheric observation in Polar Regions carried out by GOA-UVa Conference

6th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA2018), University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Bilbao, Spain, 2018.


D. Mateos, C. Velasco-Merino, V. E. Cachorro, C. Ritter, S. Mogo, C. Toledano, R. Neuber, R. Gonzalez, M. Herreras, A, Calle, A. M. de Frutos

Columnar aerosol observations by sun-sky-lunar photometry in Ny-Alesund (79ºN) Conference

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCAR and the International Arctic Science Committee IASC. Davos, 2018, (XXXV SCAR Biennial Meetings Arctic Science Summit Week 2018 & IASC Business Meetings SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference 2018 Arctic Observing Summit).


Cristian Velasco-Merino, David Mateos, Carlos Toledano, Joseph M. Prospero, Jack Molinie, Lovely Euphrasie-Clotilde, Ramiro González, Victoria E. Cachorro, Abel Calle, Angel M. de Frutos

Changes of optical and microphysical Saharan dust properties caused by long-range transport over the Atlantic Ocean Conference



D. Fuertes; C. Toledano; R. González; A. Berjón; B. Torres; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

CÆLIS: Software for assimilation, management and processing data of an atmospheric measurement network Journal Article

In: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 67-81, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

C. Velasco-Merino; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; J. M. Prospero; J. Molinie; L. Euphrasie-Clotilde; R. González; V. E. Cachorro; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Impact of long-range transport over the Atlantic Ocean on Saharan dust optical and microphysical properties based on AERONET data Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 18, no. 13, pp. 9411–9424, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

Calle, A. ;Cachorro, V.E. ;Toledano, C. ;Velasco, C. ;Benito, A. ;González, R. ;de Frutos, A.M. ;Antuña-Sánchez, J.C. ;Román, R.

Aerosol optical depth characterization in middle and polar latitudes Proceedings Article

In: IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. , pp. 9138 - 9140, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7150-4.


David Fuertes; Carlos Toledano; Ramiro González; Alberto Berjón; Benjam'in Torres; Victoria E Cachorro; Ángel M de Frutos

CÆLIS: software for assimilation, management and processing data of an atmospheric measurement network Journal Article

In: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 67–81, 2018.



V. E. Cachorro; D. Mateos; C. Velasco-Merino; S. Mogo; C. Ritter; C. Toledano; R. Neuber; R. González; M. Herreras; A. Calle; A.M. de Frutos

Starting long-term aerosol observations in the Arctic Ny-Ålesund base (Svalbard, 79ºN) by a sun-sky-lunar photometer Conference

Universidade Beira Interior Covilhã, Portugal, 2017, (9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference).


David Mateos; Cristian Velasco-Merino; Chritoph Ritter; Carlos Toledano; Roland Neuber; Victoria E. Cachorro; Ramiro González; Marcos Herreras; Sergio Retuerto; Carmen Oraá; Santiago M. Goizueta; Ángel M. de Frutos

Starting of new Sun-Sky-Lunar photometer aerosol observations in the Artic Ny-Ålesund base Conference

Research Council of Norway & Svalbard Science Forum Oslo, Norway, 2017, (Svalbard Science Conference).


C. Toledano; D. Mateos; C. Velasco; R. González anf A. Calle; A. Berjón; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

Aerosol Characterization Over Cyprus During A-Life Conference

Universitat de València Valencia, Spain, 2017, (5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing).


D. Mateos, C. Velasco-Merino, C. Ritter, C. Toledano, R. Neuber, V.E. Cachorro, R. González, A.M. de Frutos

Starting of new sun-sky-lunar aerosol observations in the Artic Ny-Ålesund base Conference

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (44th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods).

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C. Velasco-Merino, D. Mateos, C. Toledano, V. Cachorro, R. González, M.A. Burgos, S. Blindheim, M. Gausa, A. Berjón, C. Guirado, A. Calle, A.M. de Frutos

15-year measurements of aerosol optical and microphysical properties in Andenes (69ºN, 16ºE) site Conference

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (44th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods).

Links | BibTeX

D. Mateos, V. Cachorro, M.A. Burgos, Y.S. Bennouna, C. Toledano, R. González, C. Velasco-Merino, J.C. Antuña-Sánchez, M. Herreras, S. Retuerto, C. Oraá, S.M. Goizueta, A. Calle, A.M. de Frutos

Columnar and surface aerosol relationships in the background environment of Castile and León region (North-central Spain) Conference

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (44th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods).

Links | BibTeX

Barreto, A; Román, R.; Cuevas, E.; Berjón, A. J.; Almansa, A. F.; Toledano, C.; González, R.; Hernández, Y.; Blarel, L.; Goloub, P.; Guirado, C.; Yela, M.

Assessment of nocturnal aerosol optical depth from lunar photometry at the Izaña high mountain observatory Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 3007–3019, 2017.

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D. Mateos, V. E. Cachorro, N. T. O’Neill, C. Toledano, M.A. Burgos, R. Gonzalez, C. Velasco-Merino, A. Calle, A.M. de Frutos

Detection of high turbidity atmospheric events and evaluation of European aerosol load background Conference

Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (5th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology).


C. Velasco-Merino, D. Mateos, C. Toledano, V. Cachorro, R. González, M.A. Burgos, S. Blindheim, M. Gausa, A. Berjón, C. Guirado, A. Calle,; A.M. de Frutos

Overview of sun photometer measurements of aerosol radiative properties in a pristine Sub-Arctic area Conference

2017, (5th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology).


V.E. Cachorro, D. Mateos, M.A. Burgos, Y.S. Bennouna, C. Toledano, R. González, C. Velasco-Merino, C. Guirado, A. Berjón, A. Calle, A.M. De Frutos

Similarities and discrepancies when surface and columnar aerosol data are jointly analysed in a background environment Conference

Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain, 2017, (5th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology).


D. Mateos, V. Cachorro, C. Toledano, C. Velasco-Merino, M.A. Burgos, R. González, S. Blindheim, M. Gausa, A. Berjón, C. Guirado, A. Calle,; A.M. de Frutos

Aerosol radiative effect in the shortwave range for the extreme aerosol events registered with Sun photometry in a pristine subarctic area Conference

Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology Lund, Sweden, 2017, (NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2017).


C. Velasco-Merino, D. Mateos, C. Toledano, V. Cachorro, R. González, M.A. Burgos, S. Blindheim, M. Gausa, A. Berjón, C. Guirado, A. Calle,; A.M. de Frutos

Long-term aerosol characterization in a sub-Arctic area using sun photometer data: columnar optical and microphysical properties Conference

Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology Lund, Sweden, 2017, (NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2017).


M.A. Burgos, D. Mateos, V.E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, C. Velasco-Merino, R. Gonzalez, A. Calle, A.M. De Frutos, S. , Blindheim, M. Gausa

Quantification of high turbidity atmospheric episodes at the subarctic site Andenes (Norway) Conference

2017, (NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2017).


R. Román; B. Torres; D. Fuertes; V.E. Cachorro; O. Dubovik; C. Toledano; A. Cazorla; A. Barreto; J.L. Bosch; T. Lapyonok; R. González; P. Goloub; M.R. Perrone; F.J. Olmo; A. de Frutos; L. Alados-Arboledas

Remote sensing of lunar aureole with a sky camera: Adding information in the nocturnal retrieval of aerosol properties with GRASP code Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 196, pp. 238 - 252, 2017, ISSN: 0034-4257.

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D. Mateos; C. Velasco-Merino; C. Ritter; C. Toledano; R. Neuber; V. E. Cachorro; R. González; M. Herreras; S. Retuerto; C. Oraá; S. M. Goizueta; A. M. de Frutos

Starting of new sun-sky-lunar photometer aerosol observations in the Artic Ny-Ålesund base Conference

Svalbard Science Conference 2017, Research Council of Norway & Svalbard Science Forum 2017.


C. Velasco-Merino, D. Mateos, C. Toledano, J. Prospero, J. Molinie, L. Euphrasie-Clotilde, R. González, V.E. Cachorro, A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Impact of long-range transport over the Atlantic Ocean on Saharan dust optical and microphysical properties Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 2017.

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R. Román, B. Torres, D. Fuertes, V.E. Cachorro, O. Dubovik, C. Toledano, A. Cazorla, A. Barreto, J.L. Bosch, T. Lapyonok, R. González, P. Goloub, M.R. Perrone, F.J. Olmo, A. de Frutos; L. Alados-Arboledas.

Using the lunar aureole derived from All-Sky cameras for the retrievals of aerosol microphisycal properties Conference

European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases (ACTRIS) Barcelona, España, 2016, (2nd ACTRIS-2 WP2 Workshop).


R. Román, B. Torres, D. Fuertes, C. Toledano, O. Dubovik, V.E. Cachorro, T. Lapyonok, R. González, A. Barreto, C. Velasco-Merino, A. Cazorla, J.L. Bosch, P. Goloub, L. Blarel, F.J. Olmo, A. de Frutos, L. Alados-Arboledas

The use of a sky camera to observe the relative radiances of the lunar aureole and the effect of aerosol over them Conference

Universidade de Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal, 2016, (IV Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (RICTA2016)).


M. A. Burgos; D. Mateos; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; R. Gonzalez; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Fingerprints of Aerosol Mineral Dust and its Mixtures on Optical and Microphysical Properties Conference

4th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016.


D. Mateos; M. A. Burgos; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; R. Gonzalez; C. Guirado; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Identification of atmospheric high turbidity episodes using different aerosol measurement techniques Conference

4th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016.


C. Velasco-Merino; C. Toledano; V. E. Cachorro; D. Mateos; R. Gonzalez; M. A. Burgos; C. Guirado; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Impact of long-range transport on Saharan dust aerosol optical and microphysical properties Conference

4th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016.


D. Mateos; M. A. Burgos; V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; C. Velasco-Merino; R. Gonzalez; A. Calle; A. M. de Frutos

Impact of Desert Dust Outbreaks in the Aerosol Load Levels of a Rural Background Environment between 2003 and 2014 Conference

8th Internat?onal Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Assoc?ated Dustfall, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.


130 entries « 2 of 3 »