AWIPEV Science Introduction Seminar 2017

The AWIPEV Science Introduction Seminar 2017 was held in Brest (France) on the 20th and 21th of February coordinated by Dr. Roland Neuber, Scientific Coordinator AWIPEV-Base and Dr. Pascal Morin, Scientific Director at IPEV. A small series seminars about the projects to be held at the AWIPEV station next season were presented. The Atmospheric Optics Group presented the project “Aerosol observation with sun, moon photometer” (KOP173), part of the Spanish project POLARMOON, in collaboration with the AWI Atmospheric Physics Division. In this project we will install a Cimel CE318-T Sun-Sky-Moon spectral photometer, able to measure during the Polar night, to enhance long-term aerosol observations at AWIPEV.