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#Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #polarmoon #Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #PolarRegions #PolarRegions ?ngström exponent absorption Angstrom coefficient absorption coefficients ACTRIS AERONET aerosol aerosol characterization aerosol climatology aerosol concentration aerosol events aerosol hygroscopicity aerosol inversion Aerosol model validation aerosol optical depth Aerosol particles aerosol pollen event aerosol products aerosol profiles Aerosol Properties Aerosol radiative effects aerosol radiative properties Aerosol vertical distribution Aerosol vertical profiles Aerosols Aerosols; Atmospheric optics agua precipitable Air mass back trajectories Air pollution air quality index aircraft all-sky camera Angstrom Exponent annual cycle Antarctica AOD Arctic Arctic Haze Arctic pollution artic ash-sulphuric interactions asymptotic theory athmospheric aerosols atmosphere Atmospheric Aerosol atmospheric aerosols Atmospheric correction atmospheric gases aureole scans Australian fires balloon-borne measurements biomass burning Biomass burning urban industrial Black carbon brazil Brewer BSRN caecenet caelis calibration Calibration Facility campaign Caribbean area ceilometer Ceilometer data pre-processing ciclo anual CIMEL climatology cloud cover cloud effect efficiency (CEE) cloud effects on solar radiation (CRE) at surface cloud optical depth (COD) cloud radiative effect clouds CNN Coarse and fine modes COCCON COCCON-España Columnar aerosol data Columnar and surface aerosols columnar optical properties Comparison cuba Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption cumulus and stratocumulus desert dust desert mineral dust didáctica diffuse dimming/brightening direct radiation discrete ordinate method doppler Double tropopause events DSCOVR dust early instrumental data efecto gloria EKO MS-711 spectroradiometer EPIC ESA Europe European Artic fire Fires fotómetros solares FTIR GAME GAW GHG global analysis GNSS GPS GRASP GRASP algorithm greenhouse gases hand-held sunphotometer HDR High dynamic range High turbidity episodes higroscopicity hygroscopic icenet ICP-MS image analylis in-situ insolation Integrated water vapor integrating sphere intercomparison inverse methods inversion inversion products IWV Izaña Izaña Atmospheric Observatory La Palma langley LIDAR Light scattering Lightning LIME long-range transport long-term characterization long-term comparison long-term trends long-wave Longwave radiative effect lunar irradiance lunar photometry marambio matrix operator method matrix Riccati equations matrix-exponential Measurement Mediterranean campaign MEGEI-MAD meteorology microphysical properties microwave radiometer Microwave radiometry Mining exploitation model MODIS MODIS–AQUA Monte-Carlo method moon moon light polarization Morphological characterization of aerosol MPPD model multi-instrument analysis NAFDI Nanoparticles NDACC FTIR Nephelometer NILU-UV radiometer nubes nuevos métodos Ny-Alesund OMI optical properties Ozone ozone radiative forcing particle formation pbl PFR Phase center variations; GPS; Water vapor photometer photometer calibration photometry physical properties planetary bounday layer PM10 threshold polar Polar Regions polarization polarmoon POLARUBI pollutant pollution polynomials precipitable water vapour procesados pulmonary deposition PWV PWV; PWV; atmospheric water vapor content; diurnal regime; GPS PWV; GPS Quality Assurance Quality Control Radiation radiativa effect Radiative forcing Radiative transfer radiative transfer simulations radiometer radiometry radiosonde Radiosondes reanalysis data remote sensing retrieval ROLO Saharan Air Layer Saharan mineral dust Satellite Satellite remote sensing SAUNA campaign Scattering searchlight SEM SEM-EDX sensor satellinte SIOS sky camera sky radiance SLOPE smoke smoke ageing Solar radiation sondeos Sourthwestern Europe Spain spectral direct irradiance spectrometry spectrophotometer spectroradiometer spectroscopy star photometry stars stellar photometry stratospheric aerosol stratospheric density Sulphur dioxide Sun photometer sun photometry sun-photometer Sun-sky photometer sun-sky photometry Surface and columnar aerosol data surface solar radiation Svalbard técnicas de aceleración computacional temperature tesis transferencia radiativa Transport Troposphere tropospheric aerosol ultraviolet radiation urban UV UV irradiance UV-visible irradiance UVI Vaisala ceilometer Validation vapor de agua Vegetation Index Vegetation monitoring volcanic aerosol volcanic eruption Volcanic sulphates Water vapor water vapour ZEN-R52 Radiometer zenith sky radiance
729 entries « 1 of 15 »



S. Adriaensen; P. de Vis; J. Gatón; Á. Barreto; A. Bialek; M. Bouvet; J. Fahy; R. González; C. Toledano

Modelling the degree of linear polarization (DoLP) of the Moon’s light with a Cimel CE318-TP9 Conference

Advancement of POLarimetric Observations (APOLO) 18-21 Nov 2024. Kyoto, Japan, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: lunar photometry, moon light polarization, polarization


P. Goloub; C. Toledano; A. Barreto; B. Torres; S. Kazadsis

European contribution to AERONET Conference

AERONET Science and Application Exchange 2024, 17-19 Sep 2024 College Park, EEUU, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: AERONET


A. F. Almansa; A. Barreto; N. Kouremeti; R. González; A. Masoom; C. Toledano; J. Gröbner; R. D. García; Y. González; S. Kazadzis; S. Victori; O. Álvarez; F. Maupin; P. González; V. Carreño; V. E. Cachorro

The Langley ratio method, a new approach for transferring photometer calibration from direct sun measurement Conference

AERONET Science and Application Exchange 2024, 17-19 Sep 2024 College Park, EEUU, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: langley, photometer calibration


B. Torres; O. Dubovik; R. González; E. Diez; D. Fuertes; M. Herreras; T. Lapionok; M. Momoi; L. Blarel; P. Goloub; A. Lopatin; C. Toledano; A. Sinyuk; A. Smirnov; I. Slutsker; T. Eck; E. Lind

Enhancing Aerosol Characterization with aureole CCS Scans and optical depth measurements: Introducing GRASP-CCS Conference

AERONET Science and Application Exchange 2024, 17-19 Sep 2024 College Park, EEUU, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol characterization, AOD, aureole scans, GRASP


S. Pulimeno; M. Mazzola; A. Lupi; V. Vitale; C. Toledano; N. Kouremeti; S. Kazadzis

Assessing Sun-Photometer Performance: Insights from an Intercomparison Campaign in Valladolid, Spain Conference

2024 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS 2024), 2-6 Sep 2024 Barcelona, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: intercomparison, Sun photometer


J. Muñiz-Rosado; A. Cazorla; R. Román; A. Haefele; M. van Hove; S. Brunamonti; C. Herrero del Barrio; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; A. del Águila; A. Díaz-Zurita; M. E. Herrera; F.G. Wienhold; C. Toledano; L. Alados-Arboledas; F. Navas-Guzmán

Evaluation of aerosol properties from sun-photometer and ceilometer by means GRASP algorithm Conference

2024 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS 2024), 2-6 Sep 2024 Barcelona, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, GRASP


O. Álvarez Losada; A. Barreto; O.E. García; F. Hase R.D. García; J. Gröbner; S.F. León-Luis; E. Sepúlveda; V. Carreño; A. Alcántara; R. Ramos; A.F. Almansa; S. Kazadzis; N. Taquet; C. Toledano; E. Cuevas

Aerosol properties derived from ground-based Fourier transform spectra within the COllaborative CarbonColumn Observing Network Conference

European Aerosol Conference EAC2024, 25-30 Aug 2024 Tampere, Finland, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, COCCON, retrieval


A. Calle; J. Gatón; R. González; R. Carracedo; R. Román; P. Martín; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V. Cachorro; J.A. Sobrino; D. Skokovich; A.M. de Frutos

Puesta en operación, de instrumentación, en la Base Antártica de Marambio Conference

XX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección AET2024, 4-7 Jun 2024 Cádiz, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Antarctica, marambio


O.E. García; N. Taquet; E. Sepúlveda; R. Ramos; F. Hase; D. Dubravika; A. Alcántara; J. Guerola; P.P. Rivas; S.F. León-Luis; V. Carreño; M. Yela; J.A. Adame; G. Villalba-Méndez; R. Curcoll; A. Calle; C. Toledano; P. Martín-Mateos; A. Moreno-Oyervides; Ó. Bonilla-Manrique; J. Alonso-Montesinos; J.M. Ballestrín-Bolea; C. Torres

COCCON-España: Hacia un Sistema Integrado de Gases de Efecto Invernadero en España Conference

XX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección AET2024, 4-7 Jun 2024 Cádiz, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: COCCON-España, greenhouse gases


S. Herrero-Anta; C. Herrero del Barrio; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; R. González; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Caracterización de eventos de alta turbiedad por fotometría solar en el Ártico europeo entre 2017-2020 y su correspondiente efecto radiativo Conference

Poster presentation X Simposio de estudios polares 15-17 May 2024 Salamanca, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol events, Arctic, Radiative forcing, sun photometry


D. González-Fernández; R. Román; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; V.E. Cachorro; G. Copes; S. Herrero-Anta; C. Herrero-del Barrio; Á. Barreto; R. González; R. Ramos; P. Martín; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Development and application over an Antarctic station of a neural network model to retrieve cloud cover from all-sky cameras Conference

Poster presentation X Simposio de estudios polares 15-17 May 2024 Salamanca, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: all-sky camera, cloud cover, CNN


D. Mateos; R. González; S. Herrero-Anta; C. Herrero del Barrio; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; E. Asmi; E. Rodriguez; I.C. Lau; R. D’Elia; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Seguimiento de una pluma de aerosol originado por la quema de biomasa desde Australia hasta la Antártida Conference

Poster presentation X Simposio de estudios polares 15-17 May 2024 Salamanca, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Antarctica, biomass burning, sun photometry


S. Herrero-Anta; C. Herrero del Barrio; D. Mateos; R. Román; C. Ritter; D. González-Fernández; R. González; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Aerosol properties retrieved under high turbidity conditions and the corresponding aerosol radiative effect in the European Arctic in the period 2017-2022 by sun photometry Conference

Poster presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol events, Arctic, Radiative forcing, sun photometry


D. González-Fernández; R. Román; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; V.E. Cachorro; G. Copes; S. Herrero-Anta; C. Herrero-del Barrio; Á. Barreto; R. González; R. Ramos; P. Martín; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Application in an Antarctic site of a neural network for cloud cover retrieval from all-sky cameras Conference

Poster presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: all-sky camera, Antarctica, cloud cover, CNN


C. Herrero del Barrio; R. Román; R. González; A. Cazorla, M. Herreras-Giralda; J.C. Antuña-Sánchez; S. Herrero; D. González-Fernández; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; Á.M de Frutos

CAECENET: Automatic and continuous columnar and vertical aerosol properties from photometer and ceilometer measurements Conference

Poster presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical profiles, caecenet, ceilometer


C. Toledano; S. Adriaensen; A. Bialek; Á. Barreto; R. González; P. De Vis; J. Gatón; M. Bouvet.

The Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA (LIME) Conference

Oral presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: ESA, LIME, lunar irradiance


S. Kazadzis; N. Kouremeti; E. Lind; A. Barreto; C. Toledano; P. Goloub; A. Karanikolas; J. Gröbner

Long term comparisons of aerosol optical depth measurements; differences and trends Conference

Poster presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: AOD, long-term trends


C. Cordoba-Jabonero; M. Sicard; Á. Barreto; C. Toledano; M.A. López-Cayuela; C. Gil-Díaz; O. García; C.V. Carvajal-Pérez; A. Comerón; R. Ramos; C. Muñoz-Porcar; A. Rodríguez-Gómez

Temporal evolution and vertical impact of the fresh volcanic aerosols during the Cumbre Vieja volcano eruptive activity at La Palma (Canary Islands) Conference

Oral presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical profiles, Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption, volcanic aerosol


J. Muñiz-Rosado; A. Cazorla; M.A. Gamonal García-Galán; R. Román; A. Haefele; M. van Hove; S. Brutnamonti; J.A. Bravo-Aranda; M.J. Granados-Muñoz; A. del Águila; M.E. Herrera; F.G. Wienhold; L. Doppler; C. Toledano; L. Alados-Arboledas; F. Navas Guzmán

Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from ceilometer through balloon-borne measurements. Conference

Oral presentation ACTRIS Science Conference 13-16 May 2024 Rennes, France, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol profiles, balloon-borne measurements, Validation


J.C. Antuña-Marrero; J. Añel; L. de la Torre; A. Calle; E. Landulfo

Searchlight stratospheric density observations during 1950 and 1952 rescued and digitized Conference

Poster presentation XII International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere Ourense, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: searchlight, stratospheric density


J.C. Antuña-Marrero; A. Calle; J. Pacheco; E. Landulfo; J. Añel; L. de la Torre

Rescued searchlight stratospheric aerosol extinction observations from 1963 to 1976 to complement the ones from December 1963 to December 1964 Conference

Poster presentation XII International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere Ourense, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: searchlight, stratospheric aerosol


A. Calle; J.C. Antuña-Marrero; N. Rojas; J. Gatón; R. González; R. Carracedo; R. Román; P. Martín; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. de Frutos

Set-up instrumentation in the Antarctic Station of Marambio to detect atmospheric events: case of forest fires in Chile Conference

Poster presentation XII International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere Ourense, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol events, Antarctica, biomass burning


J.C. Antuña-Marrero

Upper Atmospheric Aerosol & Temperature lidar observations for global atmospheric research Conference

Oral presentation Workshop ISSI TEAM 544: Impacts of climate change on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Atmospheric Drag of Space Objects Bern, Switzerland, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol, global analysis, LIDAR, temperature


S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; D. González-Fernández; C. Herrero del Barrio; R. González; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos

Identificación de eventos de alta turbiedad de aerosol en el Ártico europeo mediante fotometría solar Conference

Oral presentation 10 Jonadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León, 18-19 Apr 2024 Valladolid, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol events, Arctic, sun photometry


C. Herrero del Barrio; R. Román; R. González, A. Cazorla, M. Herreras-Giralda, J.C. Antuña-Sánchez, S. Herrero-Anta; D. González-Fernández; D. Mateos; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. de Frutos

Perfiles verticales de propiedades de los aerosoles atmosféricos: CAECENET Conference

Oral presentation 10 Jonadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León, 18-19 Apr 2024 Valladolid, Spain, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical profiles, caecenet


J. Muñiz-Rosado; A. Cazorla; M.A Gamonal Garcia-Galán; R. Román; A. Haefele; M. van Hove; S. Brunamonti; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; A. del Águila; M. E. Herrera; F. G. Wienhold; L. Doppler; C. Toledano; L. Alados-Arboledas; F. Navas-Guzmán

Assessing aerosol backscatter profiles from remote sensing instrumentation with balloonborne measurements Conference

12th Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America (XII WLMLA), 7-12 Apr 2024. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol profiles, balloon-borne measurements


J.C. Antuña-Marrero

SSiRC: Stratospheric Sulfur & Its Role on Climate, Lidar Data Rescue and GloSSaC Improvements Conference

Oral presentation XII Workshop on Lidar Measurements in Latin America Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: LIDAR


S. Adriaensen; A. Barreto; A. Bialek; M. Bouvet; P. De Vis; J. Gatón; C. Toledano

LIME: Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA Conference

Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) annual meeting 2024, 11-15 Mar 2024 Darmstadt, Germany, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: LIME, lunar irradiance


S. Herrero-Anta

Identification of high turbidity aerosol events in the Arctic by sun-photometry: A case of study in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard  Conference

Oral presentation. 8th High Latitude Dust Workshop, 13-14 Feb 2024 Reikjavik, Iceland, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol events, Arctic, Ny-Alesund, sun photometry


C. Herrero del Barrio

CAECENET: Integrating photometer and ceilometer data for continuous columnar and vertical aerosol properties Conference

Oral presentation 8th High Latitude Dust Workshop, 13-14 Feb 2024 Reikjavik, Iceland, 2024.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical profiles, caecenet, ceilometer, photometer


J.C. Antuña-Marrero; G.W. Mann; J. Barnes; A. Calle; S.S. Dhomse; V.E. Cachorro; T. Deshler; Z. Li; N. Sharma; L. Elterman

The Recovery and Re-Calibration of a 13-Month Aerosol Extinction Profiles Dataset from Searchlight Observations from New Mexico, after the 1963 Agung Eruption Journal Article

In: Atmosphere, vol. 15, no. 6, 2024, ISSN: 2073-4433.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: LIDAR, searchlight, stratospheric aerosol, tropospheric aerosol


C. Toledano; S. Taylor; Á. Barreto; S. Adriaensen; A. Berjón; A. Bialek; R. González; E. Woolliams; M. Bouvet

LIME: Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA, a new tool for absolute radiometric calibration using the Moon Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 3649–3671, 2024.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: ESA, LIME, lunar irradiance, moon, radiometry



S. Herrero-Anta; D. Mateos; R. Román; C. Ritter; D. González-Fernández; C. Herrero del Barrio; R. González; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A. Calle; Á.M. de Frutos.

Aerosol properties retrieved under high turbidity conditions and the corresponding aerosol radiative effect in the European Arctic in the period 2017-2022 by sun photometry Conference

Svalbard Science Conference 2023 Oslo, Norway, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: #Arctic, Aerosol Properties, Aerosol radiative effects


Sara Herrero-Anta; Roberto Román; David Mateos; Ramiro González; Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez; Marcos Herreras-Giralda; Antonio Fernando Almansa; Daniel González-Fernández; Celia Herrero del Barrio; Carlos Toledano; Victoria Eugenia Cachorro; Ángel Máximo de Frutos

Retrieval of aerosol properties from zenith sky radiance measurements Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 16, no. 19, pp. 4423–4443, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol inversion, AOD, GRASP, zenith sky radiance


R.D. García; O.E. García; E. Cuevas-Agulló; Á. Barreto; V.E. Cachorro-Revilla; C. Marrero; F. Almansa; R. Ramos; Ó. Álvarez; M. Pó.

Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izaña Observatory Conference

ELC 2023 4th edition of the European Lidar Conference. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, Radiative forcing


S. Herrero-Anta; R. Román; D. Mateos; R. González; J. C. Antuña-Sánchez; M. Herreras-Giralda; A. F. Almansa; D. González-Fernández; C. Herrero del Barrio; C. Toledano; V. E. Cachorro; Á. M. Frutos

Retrieval of aerosol properties from zenith sky radiance measurements Conference

European Aerosol Conference 2023, Málaga, Spain, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol inversion, AOD, GRASP, sky radiance


C. Herrero del Barrio; D. Mateos; R. Román; R. González; S. Herrero-Anta; D. González-Fernández; A. Calle; C. Toledano; V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Analysis of daytime and night-time aerosol optical depth from sun and lunar photometry at North Central Iberian Peninsula Conference

European Aerosol Conference 2023, Málaga, Spain, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol climatology, AOD, caelis, lunar photometry


D. Mateos; C. Toledano; R. Román; R. González; S. Herrero-Anta; D. González-Fernández; C. Herrero del Barrio; A. Calle; V.E. Cachorro; A. M de Frutos.

Columnar aerosol properties by sun and lunar photometry in the Arctic and in the Antarctica Conference

European Aerosol Conference 2023, Málaga, Spain, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: #Arctic, aerosol events, Aerosol Properties, Antarctica, lunar photometry


Añel, J. A.; I. Cnossen; J. C. Antuña-Marrero; G. Beig; M. K. Brown; E. Doornbos; R. García; L. Gray; D. R. Marsh; S. Osprey; M. G. Mlynczak; S. M. Mutschler; P. Pišoft; V. Sofieva; P. Šácha; L. de la Torre; S.R. Zhang

Documenting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Atmospheric Drag of Space Objects Journal Article

In: SPARC Newsletter, no. 61, pp. 22, 2023, ISSN: 1245-4680.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: GHG


V. Salgueiro; J. L. Guerrero-Rascado; M. J. Costa; R. Román; A. Cazorla; A. Serrano; F. Molero; M. Sicard; C. Córdoba-Jabonero; D. Bortoli; A. Comerón; F. T. Couto; M. Á. López-Cayuela; D. Pérez-Ramírez; M. Potes; J. A. Muñiz-Rosado; M. A. Obregón; R. Barragán; D. C. F. S. Oliveira; J. Abril-Gago; R. González; C. Gíl-Díaz; I. Foyo-Moreno; C. Muñoz-Porcar; M. J. Granados-Muñoz; A. Rodríguez-Gómez; M. Herreras-Giralda; J. A. Bravo-Aranda; C. V. Carvajal-Pérez; A. Barreto; L. Alados-Arboledas

Characterization of Tajogaite volcanic plumes detected over the Iberian Peninsula from a set of satellite and ground-based remote sensing instrumentation Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 295, pp. 113684, 2023, ISSN: 0034-4257.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ceilometer, GRASP algorithm, LIDAR, Satellite remote sensing, Sulphur dioxide, sun-photometer, Volcanic sulphates


S. Herrero-Anta; R. Román, D. Mateos, J.C. Antuña-Sánchez, C. Toledano, F. Almansa, R. González, M. Herreras-Giralda, D. González-Fernández, C. Herrero del Barrio, V.E. Cachorro; A.M. de Frutos

Retrieval of aerosol properties from zenith sky radiance measurements Conference

Workshop on “Recent advancements in remote sensing and modeling of aerosols, clouds and surfaces” GRASP ACE Summer school, Lille, France, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: aerosol inversion, AOD, GRASP, sky radiance


V. E. Cachorro

Revisiting  basic sphere algorithms for Lorenz-Mie scattering under non-absorbing and absorbing media Conference

ELX 2020, The 20th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Almuñecar, Spain, 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: Light scattering, Radiative transfer


Javier Montero-Martín; Manuel Antón; José Manuel Vaquero; Roberto Román; Javier Vaquero-Martinez; Alejandro J. P. Aparicio; Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo

Reconstruction of daily global solar radiation under all-sky and cloud-free conditions in Badajoz (Spain) since 1929 Journal Article

In: International Journal of Climatology, vol. n/a, no. n/a, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: atmospheric aerosols, cloud cover, dimming/brightening, early instrumental data, surface solar radiation


Barja, B.; Rosas, J.; Cachorro, V. E.; Toledano, C.; Antuña-Marrero, J. C.; Estevan, R.; de Frutos, A.

Surface shortwave cloud radiative effect of cumulus and stratocumulus-cumulus cloud types in the Caribbean area (Camagüey Cuba, 2010-2016) Journal Article

In: 36, vol. (1), pp. 41–56, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: cloud effect efficiency (CEE), cloud effects on solar radiation (CRE) at surface, cloud optical depth (COD), cumulus and stratocumulus


Elena Bazo; María J. Granados-Muñoz; Roberto Román; Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda; Alberto Cazorla; Antonio Valenzuela; Ramiro González; Francisco José Olmo; Lucas Alados-Arboledas

Evaluation of the vertically-resolved aerosol radiative effect on shortwave and longwave ranges using sun-sky photometer and ceilometer measurements Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Research, vol. 282, pp. 106517, 2023, ISSN: 0169-8095.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol radiative properties, ceilometer, GAME, GRASP, Longwave radiative effect, Sun-sky photometer


Celia Herrero del Barrio; David Mateos; Roberto Román; Ramiro González; Sara Herrero-Anta; Daniel González-Fernández; Abel Calle; Carlos Toledano; Victoria Eugenia Cachorro; Ángel Máximo De Frutos Baraja

Analysis of Daytime and Night-Time Aerosol Optical Depth from Solar and Lunar Photometry in Valladolid (Spain) Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 15, no. 22, 2023, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: aerosol climatology, aerosol optical depth, Angstrom Exponent, caelis, lunar photometry



R.D. García; O.E. García; E. Cuevas-Agulló; A. Barreto; V.E. Cachorro; C. Marrero; F. Almansa; R. Ramos; M. Pó

Spectral Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Efficiency of the La Palma Volcanic Plume over the Izaña Observatory Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing, vol. 15(1), no. 17, 2022, ISSN: 2072-4292.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol Properties, aerosol radiative properties


D. Cappelletti; C. Petroselli; D. Mateos; M. Herreras; L. Ferrero; N. Losi; A. Gregori; C. Frangipani; G. La Porta; M. Lonardi; D. G. Chernov; A. Dekhtyareva

Vertical profiles of black carbon and nanoparticles pollutants measured by a tethered balloon in Longyearbyen (Svalbard islands) Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 290, pp. 119373, 2022, ISSN: 1352-2310.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Aerosol vertical profiles, Arctic pollution, Black carbon, Nanoparticles


Marta María Jiménez-Martín; Mar Sorribas; Jose Antonio Adame; Carlos Toledano; Margarita Yela

Comparison of the Integrated Water Vapor from Diverse Retrievals at El Arenosillo (Southwest, Spain) Conference

11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022) Athens, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: Integrated water vapor


Elena Bazo; María José Granados-Muñoz; Roberto Román; Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda; Alberto Cazorla; Antonio Valenzuela; Francisco José Olmo; Lucas Alados-Arboledas

Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations Conference

11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC2022) Athens, Greece, 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: AERONET, Aerosol radiative effects, GRASP

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