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#Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #polarmoon #Arctic #Ny-Alesund #polarmoon #PolarRegions #PolarRegions ?ngström exponent absorption Angstrom coefficient absorption coefficients ACTRIS AERONET aerosol aerosol characterization aerosol climatology aerosol concentration aerosol events aerosol hygroscopicity aerosol inversion Aerosol model validation aerosol optical depth Aerosol particles aerosol pollen event aerosol products aerosol profiles Aerosol Properties Aerosol radiative effects aerosol radiative properties Aerosol vertical distribution Aerosol vertical profiles Aerosols Aerosols; Atmospheric optics agua precipitable Air mass back trajectories Air pollution air quality index aircraft all-sky camera Angstrom Exponent annual cycle Antarctica AOD Arctic Arctic Haze Arctic pollution artic ash-sulphuric interactions asymptotic theory athmospheric aerosols atmosphere Atmospheric Aerosol atmospheric aerosols Atmospheric correction atmospheric gases aureole scans Australian fires balloon-borne measurements biomass burning Biomass burning urban industrial Black carbon brazil Brewer BSRN caecenet caelis calibration Calibration Facility campaign Caribbean area ceilometer Ceilometer data pre-processing ciclo anual CIMEL climatology cloud cover cloud effect efficiency (CEE) cloud effects on solar radiation (CRE) at surface cloud optical depth (COD) cloud radiative effect clouds CNN Coarse and fine modes COCCON COCCON-España Columnar aerosol data Columnar and surface aerosols columnar optical properties Comparison cuba Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption cumulus and stratocumulus desert dust desert mineral dust didáctica diffuse dimming/brightening direct radiation discrete ordinate method doppler Double tropopause events DSCOVR dust early instrumental data efecto gloria EKO MS-711 spectroradiometer EPIC ESA Europe European Artic fire Fires fotómetros solares FTIR GAME GAW GHG global analysis GNSS GPS GRASP GRASP algorithm greenhouse gases hand-held sunphotometer HDR High dynamic range High turbidity episodes higroscopicity hygroscopic icenet ICP-MS image analylis in-situ insolation Integrated water vapor integrating sphere intercomparison inverse methods inversion inversion products IWV Izaña Izaña Atmospheric Observatory La Palma langley LIDAR Light scattering Lightning LIME long-range transport long-term characterization long-term comparison long-term trends long-wave Longwave radiative effect lunar irradiance lunar photometry marambio matrix operator method matrix Riccati equations matrix-exponential Measurement Mediterranean campaign MEGEI-MAD meteorology microphysical properties microwave radiometer Microwave radiometry Mining exploitation model MODIS MODIS–AQUA Monte-Carlo method moon moon light polarization Morphological characterization of aerosol MPPD model multi-instrument analysis NAFDI Nanoparticles NDACC FTIR Nephelometer NILU-UV radiometer nubes nuevos métodos Ny-Alesund OMI optical properties Ozone ozone radiative forcing particle formation pbl PFR Phase center variations; GPS; Water vapor photometer photometer calibration photometry physical properties planetary bounday layer PM10 threshold polar Polar Regions polarization polarmoon POLARUBI pollutant pollution polynomials precipitable water vapour procesados pulmonary deposition PWV PWV; PWV; atmospheric water vapor content; diurnal regime; GPS PWV; GPS Quality Assurance Quality Control Radiation radiativa effect Radiative forcing Radiative transfer radiative transfer simulations radiometer radiometry radiosonde Radiosondes reanalysis data remote sensing retrieval ROLO Saharan Air Layer Saharan mineral dust Satellite Satellite remote sensing SAUNA campaign Scattering searchlight SEM SEM-EDX sensor satellinte SIOS sky camera sky radiance SLOPE smoke smoke ageing Solar radiation sondeos Sourthwestern Europe Spain spectral direct irradiance spectrometry spectrophotometer spectroradiometer spectroscopy star photometry stars stellar photometry stratospheric aerosol stratospheric density Sulphur dioxide Sun photometer sun photometry sun-photometer Sun-sky photometer sun-sky photometry Surface and columnar aerosol data surface solar radiation Svalbard técnicas de aceleración computacional temperature tesis transferencia radiativa Transport Troposphere tropospheric aerosol ultraviolet radiation urban UV UV irradiance UV-visible irradiance UVI Vaisala ceilometer Validation vapor de agua Vegetation Index Vegetation monitoring volcanic aerosol volcanic eruption Volcanic sulphates Water vapor water vapour ZEN-R52 Radiometer zenith sky radiance
729 entries « 14 of 15 »



Frioud, M.; Gausa, M.; Stebel, K.; Hansen, G.; Myhre, C.; Singer, W.; Latteck, R.; De Frutos, A.; Cachorro, V.; Toledano, C.; Rodriguez, E.

Observation and characterization of aerosols above ALOMAR (69°N) by tropospheric Lidar, sun-photometer and VHF Radar Conference

vol. 6367, 2006.

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Estellés, V.; Utrillas, M.P.; Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Alcántara, A.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Olmo, F.J.; Lorente, J.; de Cabo, X.; Cachorro, V.; Horvath, H.; Labajo, A.; Sorribas, M.; Díaz, J.P.; Díaz, A.M.; Silva, A.M.; Elías, T.; Pujadas, M.; Rodrigues, J.A.; Cañada, J.; García, Y.

Intercomparison of spectroradiometers and Sun photometers for the determination of the aerosol optical depth during the VELETA-2002 field campaign Journal Article

In: Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, vol. 111, no. 17, 2006.

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Pérez, C.; Nickovic, S.; Baldasano, J.M.; Sicard, M.; Rocadenbosch, F.; Cachorro, V.E.

A long Saharan dust event over the western Mediterranean: Lidar, Sun photometer observations, and regional dust modeling Journal Article

In: Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, vol. 111, no. 15, 2006.

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Vilaplana, J.M.; Cachorro, V.E.; Sorribas, M.; Luccini, E.; De Frutos, A.M.; Berjón, A.; De La Morena, B.

Modified calibration procedures for a yankee environmental system UVB-1 biometer based on spectral measurements with a brewer spectrophotometer Journal Article

In: Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 508-514, 2006.

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C. Toledano; V. E. Cachorro; A. Berjon; M. Sorribas; R. Vergaz; A. de Frutos; M. Anton; M. Gausa

Aerosol optical depth at ALOMAR observatory (Andoya, Norway) in summer 2002 and 2003 Journal Article

In: Tellus, vol. 58B, pp. 218-228, 2006.

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J. M. Vilaplana; V. E. Cachorro; M. Sorribas; E. Luccini; A. M. de Frutos; A. Berjon; B. de la Morena

Contribution to calibration procedures for a Yankee UVB-1 biometer based on spectral measurements with a Brewer spectrophotometer Journal Article

In: Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 82, pp. 508-514, 2006.

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C. Toledano

Field calibration methods for aerosol optical depth determination with sun photometers Journal Article

In: Optica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 39 (4), pp. 303-311, 2006.

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S. Mogo; V. E. Cachorro; M. Sorribas; A. M. de Frutos

Optical and chemical properties of atmospheric particulate size fraction related with air masses in the city of Valladolid (Spain) Journal Article

In: Optica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 39, pp. 331-340, 2006.

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V. E. Cachorro; R. Vergaz; A. M. de Frutos; J. M. Vilaplana; D. Henriques; N. Laulainen; C. Toledano

Study of desert dust events over the southwestern Iberian Peninsula in year 2000: two case studies Journal Article

In: Annales Geophysicae, vol. 24, pp. 1-18, 2006.

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Sandra Mogo

Técnicas ópticas para la medida de la absorción por aerosoles atmosféricos PhD Thesis

Universidade da Beira Interior, 2006.

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C. L. Myhre; . K. Stebel; C. Toledano; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos; C. Forster; J. Schaug

EMEP Status Report 3/2006: Measurements of Particulate Matter Book Chapter

In: Yttri, K. E.; Aas, W. (Ed.): pp. 73—80, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), 2006.

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Carlos Toledano

Climatología de los aerosoles mediante la caracterización de propiedades ópticas y masas de aire en la estación 'El Arenosillo' de la red AERONET PhD Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, 2005.

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A. C. Prieto; L. F. Sanz; B. Torres; D. Sánchez; A. Sanz; M. Barrera; I. Sánchez

Caracterización de pigmentos mediante espectroscopia Raman Conference

2005, (Congreso Investigación en Conservación - Restauración del Patrimonio Cultural).

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A. M. Díaz; O. E. García; J. González; C. Guirado; F. J. Expósito; J. P. Díaz; J. C. Guerra

Estructura vertical de las invasiones de polvo mineral sobre las Islas Canarias durante 2004 Conference

Teledetección. Avances en la Observación de la Tierra, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), Spain, 2005, (XI Congreso Nacional de Teledetección).

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O. E. García; A. M. Díaz; C. Guirado; F. J. Expósito; J. P. Díaz; J. C. Guerra

Evaluación del Índice de Aerosoles AI-TOMS a partir de parámetros de aerosoles derivados de MODIS Conference

Teledetección. Avances en la Observación de la Tierra, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), Spain, 2005, (XI Congreso Nacional de Teledetección).

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C. Guirado; O. E. García; A. M. Díaz; F. J. Expósito; J. P. Díaz

Forcing in the UV region during Saharan dust events. Preliminary results Conference

Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, Vienna, Austria, 2005, (1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags:


Cachorro, V.E.; Toledano, C.; Vergaz, R.; Frutos, A.M.D.; Sorribas, M.; Vilaplana, J.M.; Morena, B.A.D.L.

The PHOTONS - AERONET network stations in spain Book


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Molero, F.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Pujadas, M.; Alcantara, A.; Cachorro, V.; Estellés, V.; Olmo, F.J.; Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Lorente, J.; Diaz, J.P.; Labajo, A.; De La Morena, B.; Horvath, H.; Silva, A.M.

Comparison of aerosol size distributions measured at ground level and calculated from inversion of solar radiances Conference

vol. 5979, 2005.

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P. J. Zarco-Tejada; A. Berjon; R. Lopez-Lozano; J. R. Miller; P. Martin; V. E. Cachorro; M. R. Gonzalez; A. M. de Frutos

Assessing vineyard condition with hyperspectral indices: Leaf and canopy reflectance simulation in a row-structured discontinuous canopy Journal Article

In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 99, pp. 271-287, 2005.

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R. Vergaz; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos; J. M. Vilaplana; B. A. de la Morena

Columnar characteristics of aerosols in the maritime area of the Cadiz Gulf (Spain) Journal Article

In: International Journal of Climatology, vol. 25, pp. 1793-1804, 2005.

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A. de La Casiniere; V. Cachorro; I. Smolskaia; J. Lenoble; M. Sorribas; M. Houet; O. Massot; M. Anton; J. M. Vilaplana

Comparative measurements of total ozone amount and aerosol optical depth during a campaign at El Arenosillo, Huelva, Spain Journal Article

In: Annales Geophysicae, vol. 1-23, pp. 3399-3406, 2005.

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S. Mogo; V. E. Cachorro; M. Sorribas; A. M. de Frutos; R. Fernandez

Measurements of continuous spectra of atmospheric absorption coefficients from UV to NIR via optical method Journal Article

In: Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 32, pp. L1381, 2005.

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S. Mogo; V. E. Cachorro; A. M. de Frutos

Morphological, chemical and optical absorbing characterization of aerosols in the urban atmosphere of Valladolid Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 5, pp. 2739-2748, 2005.

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C. Guirado

Influencia de los Aerosoles en el Balance Energético del Sistema Tierra-Atmósfera en el rango ultravioleta Masters Thesis

Universidad de La Laguna, 2005.

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P.J. Zarco, A.J. Berjón, J.R. Miller

Stress Detection in Crops with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Physical Simulation Models Conference

BELSPO (Belgian Federal Science Policy Office) Bruges, Belgium, 2004, (Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Vegetation monitoring


N. Prats; R. Jaenicke; K. Kandler

Short-Term Variability of Atmospheric Aerosol in a Semi-Urban Area Conference

Abstract of EAC, Budapest 2004, vol. I, Budapest, Hungary, 2004, (European Aerosol Conference 2004).

BibTeX | Tags:


Molero, F.; Cachorro, V.; Pujadas, M.; Mogo, S.; Sorribas, M.; Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Lorente, J.; Díaz, J.P.; Labajo, A.; Vilaplana, J.M.; De La Morena, B.; Rodrigues, J.A.; Silva, A.M.; Horvath, H.

Characterization of a saharan dust event during veleta-2002 (Spain) campaign Conference

vol. 1, no. 561, 2004.

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Molero, F.; Pujadas, M.; Fernandez, J.M.; Utrillas, M.P.; Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Pedrós, R.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Lorente, J.; Cachorro, V.; Díaz Rodriguez, A.M.; Labajo, A.; De La Morena, B.; Rodrigues, J.A.; Silva, A.M.; Horvath, H.

Aerosol optical depth derived from lidar measurements during VELETA-2002 campaign Conference

vol. 5235, 2004.

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C. Toledano; V. E. Cachorro; R. Vergaz; A. M. de Frutos; M. Sorribas; V. J. M.; B. de la Morena

Análisis y corrección del falso ciclo diurno del espesor óptico de aerosoles: el método KCICLO Journal Article

In: Optica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 37, pp. 49-60, 2004.

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V. Wirth; H. Borth; J. F. Lopez; W. Panhans; M. Riemer; T. Szabo

Dynamics in the extratropical tropopause region: A case of transition between dynamically active and passive tracer advection? Journal Article

In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 131, pp. 247–257, 2004.

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P. J. Zarco-Tejada; J. R. Miller; A. Morales; A. Berjón; J. Agüera

Hyperspectral indices and model simulation for chlorophyll estimation in open-canopy tree crops Journal Article

In: Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 90, pp. 463-476, 2004.

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V. E. Cachorro; P. M. Romero; C. Toledano; E. Cuevas; A. M. de Frutos

The fictitious diurnal cycle of aerosol optical depth: A new approach for Journal Article

In: Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 31, pp. L12106, 2004.

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V. E. Cachorro; C. Toledano; R. Vergaz; A. M. de Frutos; M. Sorribas; J. M. Vilaplana; B. de la Morena

The PHOTONS-AERONET sites in Spain. Calibration problems and KCICLO correction method Journal Article

In: Optica Pura y Aplicada, vol. 37, pp. 3401-3406, 2004, (Special Issue For The Proceeding Of The AERONET-PHOTONS Workshop 2004. El Arenosillo-Huelva, Spain.).

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Jose Manuel Villaplana

Medida y Análisis del Ozono y de la Radiación Solar Ultravioleta en "El Arenosillo-INTA", (Huelva) PhD Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, 2004, (Directores: Dra Victoria Eugenia Cachorro y Dr. Benito De la Morena. INTA-Esat-El Arenosillo. Huelva).

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V. E. Cachorro; R. Vergaz; A. M. de Frutos

Determination, monitoring and comparison of atmospheric components: aerosol parameters aerosol optical depth and radiative properties and water vapor content. In Sanchez-Muniosguren L, Cuevas E, de la Morena BA, Editors; First Iberian UV-VIS Instruments Intercomparison: Final Report. Technical Report

Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid, Spain (in press). 2004.

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V. Carreño, A. Redondas, E. Cuevas, V. Cachorro, J.P. Díaz

El modelo de predicción del UVI del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Conference

Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, 2003, ISBN: 84-8320-251-4, (1er Encuentro sobre Meteorología y Atmósfera de Canarias).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: UVI


P.J. Zarco, A. Berjón, A. Morales, J.R. Miller, J. Agüera, V.E. Cachorro, A.J. Rodríguez, P. Martín, R. González, A.M. de Frutos

Leaf Biochemistry Estimation on EU High-Value Crops with ROSIS and DAIS Hyperspectral Data and Radiative Transfer Simulation Conference

EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Herrsching, Germany, 2003, (3rd EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy).

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Vegetation monitoring


Vergaz, R.; Cachorro, V.E.; De Frutos, A.; Henriques, D.V.; Vilaplana, J.M.

Analysis of desert dust events over the west Iberian Peninsula in the year 2000 Conference

vol. 2, 2003.

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Toledano, C.; Cachorro, V.E.; De Frutos, A.M.; Vergaz, R.; Mar Sorribas, M.

Aerosol Arctic Campaign at ALOMAR (69N, 16E, Norway) in June-July 2002 Conference

vol. 4, 2003.

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Berjón, A.J.; Cachorro, V.E.; Zarco-Tejada, P.J.; De Frutos, A.M.; Martin, P.

Estimation of Leaf Area Index and chlorophyll content in barley by inversion of radiative transfer models at different growth stages Conference

vol. 4, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Toulouse, Fracne, 2003, (International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium).

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Vergaz, R.; Cachorro, V.E.; Toledano, C.; De Frutos, A.M.; Vilaplana, J.M.; Sorribas, M.; De la Morena, B.

A local climatology of aerosol based on spectral characteristics and air masses analysis at Conference

vol. 2, 2003.

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Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Utrillas, M.P.; Pedrós, R.; Tena, F.; Díaz, J.P.; Expósito, F.J.; Lorente, J.; de Cabo, X.; Cachorro, V.; Vergaz, R.; Carreno, V.

Intercomparison of spectroradiometers for global and direct solar irradiance in the visible range Journal Article

In: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 997-1010, 2003.

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V. Carreño, E. Cuevas, A. Redondas,; V. Cachorro

The INM's Ultraviolet Index forecasting model for Spain Conference

Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden, 2002, (Sixth European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone).

BibTeX | Tags: UVI


V. Carreño, E. Cuevas, A. Redondas, V. Cachorro y J.P. Díaz

Modelo de predicción del Índice Ultravioleta del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología: estado actual y nuevas líneas de desarrollo Conference

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Valencia, Spain, 2002, (3ª Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica).

BibTeX | Tags: UVI


Martínez-Lozano, J.A.; Marín, M.J.; Tena, F.; Utrillas, M.P.; Sánchez-Muniosguren, L.; González-Frías, C.; Cuevas, E.; Redondas, A.; Lorente, J.; De Cabo, X.; Cachorro, V.; Vergaz, R.; De Frutos, A.; Díaz, J.P.; Expósito, F.J.; De la Morena, B.; Vilaplana, J.M.

UV Index experimental values during the years 2000 and 2001 from the Spanish broadband UV-B radiometric network Journal Article

In: Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 181-187, 2002.

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V. E. Cachorro; R. Vergaz; M. J. Martin; A. M. de Frutos; J. M. Vilaplana; B. de la Morena

Measurements and estimation of the columnar optical depth of tropospheric aerosols in the UV spectral region Journal Article

In: Annales Geophysicae, vol. 20(4), pp. 565-574, 2002.

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Ricardo Vergaz

Propiedades ópticas de los aerosoles atmosféricos. Caracterización del área del Golfo de Cádiz PhD Thesis

Universidad de Valladolid, 2001.

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E.Sokolova; S.Mogo

Optimization of the Wave Aberration of the Diffraction Monochromator Conference

Proceedings of SPIE: Wave-Optical Systems Engineering, vol. 4436, San Diego, USA, 2001, (SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting).

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V. E. Cachorro; R. Vergaz; A. M. de Frutos

A quantitative comparison of alpha-Å turbidity parameter retrieved in different spectral ranges based on spectroradiometer solar radiation measurements. Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 3, pp. special issue, 5117-5124, 2001.

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J. Groebner; R. Vergaz; V. E. Cachorro; D. V. Henriques; K. Lamb; A. Redondas; J. M. Vilaplana; D. Rembges

Intercomparison of aerosol optical depth measurements in the UVB using Brewer spectrophotometers and a Li-Cor spectrophotometer Journal Article

In: Geophysical Reserch Letters, vol. 28(9), pp. 1691-1694, 2001.

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