Ramiro González

He has a contract partly supported by the Technical Personnel program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, under the title ”Maintenance, supervision and automation of the RIMA calibration facility”. Our group supports 50% of his salary with its own projects (contracts with AEMET and JCyL). He is a Computer Technical Engineer and he is currently performing his master thesis to become in a Computer Engineer. The project is based on the task of calibration and investigation that GOA develops. His mission into the group is to attend the work of calibration and maintenance (repair, cleaning, etc.) of RIMA Cimel sun photometers, what also means maintenance of the field calibration platform in Autilla del Pino (Palencia) and the Optics laboratory. At the same time he is the webmaster of the GOA and RIMA websites and he supports part of the IT work performed by David Fuertes.

Author's posts

Número especial de Atmosphere

This Special Issue aims to provide recent advances in the field of the optical properties of aerosols. The interaction ofthe solar radiation with these atmospheric particles plays an important role in determining the budget of theradiative forcing, as they can act both as absorbers or scatterers of solar light. They can also have an indirecteffect, …

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Tercera edición del curso en la central nuclear de Almaraz

El Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica (GOA) de la Universidad de Valladolid imparte un curso de formación presencial en la Central Nuclear de Almaraz los días 25 y 26 de mayo de 2021.El curso será impartido al personal encargado de la gestión medioambiental de la central y la temática será la Meteorología, conceptos de gestión ambiental, …

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Curso en la Central Nuclear de Almaraz

Durante los días 14, 15 y 16 de Septiembre, Abel Calle, del Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de la Universidad de Valladolid imparte un curso online de formación al personal del Departamento de medio ambiente de la Central Nuclear de Almaraz El curso lleva por título: “Curso de vigilancia meteorológica y dispersión de efluentes gaseosos en …

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Curso en la sede de las Centrales Nucleares Trillo y Almaraz

La semana del 27 de enero, Abel Calle, del Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de la Universidad de Valladolid imparte un curso de formación al personal del Departamento de medio ambiente de las Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo. El curso lleva por título: “Curso de vigilancia meteorológica y dispersión de efluentes gaseosos en Centrales Nucleares” y está estructurado …

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AWIPEV Science Introduction Seminar 2017

The AWIPEV Science Introduction Seminar 2017 was held in Brest (France) on the 20th and 21th of February coordinated by Dr. Roland Neuber, Scientific Coordinator AWIPEV-Base and Dr. Pascal Morin, Scientific Director at IPEV. A small series seminars about the projects to be held at the AWIPEV station next season were presented. The Atmospheric Optics …

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GOA monitors Awesome Saharan Dust Event February 2017

As part as one of our main research lines GOA Staff is monotoring the evolution of the behaviour of the sharan dust layer noticiable in our region (Castilla y León). We detect this event by means of diferent collocated instruments available in the GOA Calibration Facility Site, placed in the Science Faculty of the Valladolid …

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Dra. Burgos

Desde el pasado día 6 de Febrero el Goa-Uva cuenta con una nueva doctora, Dra. María Ángeles Brugos. Su tesis, que versa sobre la influencia del aerosol desertico en la región centro-norte de la Peninsula Ibérica, recibió la máxima calificación por parte del tribunal compuesto por el Dr. Santiago Mar (Universidad de Valladolid), el Dr. Emilio Cuevas …

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Broadcasting h-index Group

According to the last classification (March 2016) provided by the Broadcasting h-index Group (http://indice-h.webcindario.com/), we are pleased to announce that Dr. Victoria E. Cachorro and Dr. Ángel M. de Frutos, heads of Atmospheric Optics Group of the University of Valladolid (GOA-UVa, http://goacf.opt.cie.uva.es/goa), highlight by their h-index taking into account all research areas of the University …

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American Meteorological Society

Nuestros colegas Cubanos publican la historia de sus investigaciones y hacen referencia a las acciones de cooperación con el GOA. Link

Dr. Benjamin Torres

Desde el pasado día 4 de abril el Goa-Uva cuenta con un nuevo doctor, Dr. Benjamin Torres. Su tesis, que versa sobre la influencia de los errores en la medida de radiancia sobre las propiedades del aerosol atmosférico obtenidas como productos de inversión en la red Aeronet, presenta la peculiaridad de ser la primera tesis presentada …

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